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Gp dentist vets

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Wonder when we will be able to get to see a doctor face to face or even a condultant. You can go and see a dentist and go to the vets unreal that I haven't seen my own Dr now in 2 years 

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Dentists and optometrists too, I'd hazard a guess... "No, sir, please shine the light to YOUR left and move the phone camera down and to your right..."... pretty sure you'll have had "Consultation by Smartphone" for something in the last 26 months! Distance diagnosis, yeah. I wonder how the Flying Doctor Service in Australia managed? 🤔

Message 2 of 8

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@pgn wrote:

Dentists and optometrists too, I'd hazard a guess... "No, sir, please shine the light to YOUR left and move the phone camera down and to your right..."... pretty sure you'll have had "Consultation by Smartphone" for something in the last 26 months! Distance diagnosis, yeah. I wonder how the Flying Doctor Service in Australia managed?

Not the case @pgn. I've had routine dental work done within the last 2 (covid) years. Also had my eyes tested.

The GP is another matter. They operate a triage system at my surgery. They only have one GP. You have to explain to receptionist about your issue. All the receptionists know I am a retired nurse so that helps. If I say I need a call back from GP, I get one. He then decides whether he needs to see me or not.  If I tell him I need to see him then an appt is made Lol..

My method is to make friends with all receptionists but ask for one by name. She is the best one and listens to what I say.

People need to get over this old fashioned idea that they shouldn't have to discuss their private ailments with the 'receptionists'. As Bob Dylan sang 'The times they are a'changing'. They are. All staff in a GP practice are bound by the same code of confidentiality as the GP.  If it gets me what I want and I receive good treatment, then I'm a satisfied patient.

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 3 of 8

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The times, yes, they have changed. After sniffles and sneezes that I put down to high pollen at the end of last week, I took an LFT Sunday, which showed 2 solid lines. The info now is unclear what to do, so I sat tight and tested again Weds, which ran clear, and again this morning, also clear... Pretty sure, apart from a phlegmy throat, that I am clear, but not sure how a visit to a doctor, dentist or optometrist could have proceeded. 

I think consultation by Zoom is here to stay, just not sure how a GP can get a good handle on what is really up, nor how much validity they attach to a LFT result from a purchased kit that does not need to be reported anywhere. People are not even going to bother...

Message 4 of 8

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They wont bother @pgn and why should we? I have 1 box with 5 tests and after that I have to pay for them, so they can shove that!!

Every 10 weeks I have to go into hospital for a procedure and my hospital has stopped pre-op Covid Tests.

We occasionally see on the news about Covid cases in various parts of the country and I wonder how true are those results when most of the population isn't tested. Or when you are, who do you report the results to?

I had my spring booster last month and now my attitude is, just treat this like the annual flu. There's a vaccine for that, and there should be an annual vaccine for Covid..

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 5 of 8

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You get what you vote for

This is not O2 and we are all customers here similar to yourself and cannot answer account type queries.
Message 6 of 8

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@Enlli wrote:

You get what you vote for

Not so sure about that @Enlli (in terms of Covid). Every party leader would need to be guided by the medical experts when this disease 'hit' us. For about 6 months, we as a  country, were implementing measures to control the spread of it. There are things we got right and wasted money on a lot of things which went wrong. I doubt one party would have been better than the other dealing with the unknown.

For anything other than the pandemic, then yes I agree, you do get what you vote for slight_smile

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 7 of 8

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@Enlli wrote:

You get what you vote for

You get what the largest party decides it and its cronies think serves them, not you, best, @Enlli.

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