on 05-12-2012 22:37
on 05-12-2012 22:37
odd question. but here goes, best fancy dress outfit you have seen/wore? i HAVE to be a princess on the 16th 😕 hence why i brought it up, sadly most female costumes are very.... short. keep it clean guys! ❤️
on 06-12-2012 00:43
please please find it in my size doll! XD lets go shopping and eat cake, youll get to carry my bags home?
on 06-12-2012 00:46
on 06-12-2012 00:46
on 06-12-2012 00:47
of course it is im a woman lol!
on 06-12-2012 00:48
on 06-12-2012 00:48
on 06-12-2012 00:51
its true! for the record, i hate shopping, girl stuff ect, id rather be behind my drum kit or drawing..
on 06-12-2012 01:12
22 of us dressed up a ran around Kingston Highstreet dressed as 118 118 characters. We even managed to get on the capital FM the next day.
We also the following year done the caveman costume with the same guys.
Went to a rocky horror party dressed a woman in the full RHPS get up, wig and all lol
on 06-12-2012 01:14
i love it!!!!!
on 07-12-2012 15:32
on 07-12-2012 15:32
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on 07-12-2012 15:37
on 07-12-2012 15:37
on 07-12-2012 16:03
How about a superhero onesies