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Extraterrestrial life & related series or movies

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Hi everyone! I hope you had a lovely sunny weekend. slight_smile


I have just learned that today is World UFO Day, so I thought I'd start a conversation with 2 questions in mind:


  • Do you believe in extraterrestrial life?
  • What's your favourite UFO/alien-related series or movies?


You probably know already if you're seen my posts before that I'm into Star Trek, but lately I've also been re-watching Stargate SG-1 from the beginning of the series. One of my all-time favourites! Another classic for me is the X-Files which I grew up with. I can finally use this quote below (one of my favourites) in relevant context LOL alien


Agent Colton: So, Mulder, what do you think? Does this look like the work of little green men?

Mulder: Grey.

Agent Colton: Excuse me?

Mulder: Grey. You said green men. A Reticulan's skin tone is actually grey. They're notorious for their extraction of terrestrial human livers. Due to iron depletion in the Reticulan galaxy.

Agent Colton: You can't be serious.

Mulder: Do you have any idea what liver and onions go for on Reticula?


Redbud Illinois April 23 1950

(Photo of a UFO sighting, from the World UFO Day website. Check it out here)


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@pgn wrote:
And banshee, @Cleoriff 🤔

Listen I've just been watching Humans and Siren so I would probably believe in anything...

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 12 of 14

Not applicable

I'd like to think there is intelligent life out there though I wonder if they are keeping their distance as they can see the raging conflicts and environmental damage while thinking 'we don't want any part of that'


There is that compelling theory that says they developed AI which outsmarted then wiped them out and over time wiped itself out.


Big fan of the X-Files (I bought the DVD box set) and have watched the new ones.


I expect the warp drive will be invented some day (many hundreds of years from now) and we probably will boldly go, provided the combined forces of Alexa/Google and Cortana don't see us off first slight_smile



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@Anonymous wrote:


I expect the warp drive will be invented some day (many hundreds of years from now) and we probably will boldly go, provided the combined forces of Alexa/Google and Cortana don't see us off first slight_smile

Ha I love this part LOL

Would you go exploring if the warp drive was invented during your lifetime @Anonymous? 


Thanks for reminding me @Cleoriff I LOVE Alien and Predator movies. And of course @Glory1 Stargate Atlantis and the other Stargate spin-offs as well, although I'm not yet there as I'm watching them in order. slight_smile Season 7 now with SG1.

Message 14 of 14