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Community Movie Night - Pet Sematary

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Hi everyone!


Welcome to our fourth official Community Movie Night! 


This month's theme was Stephen King/horror movies as suggested by our very own Mi-Amigo and tonight is finally the night - After you have been voting for three days the decision has been made for the 2019 version of Pet Sematary (why do you do this to me) as the film to watch and I hope you are ready for a sleepless night (I sure am not) upside_down


How does it work? Well, as always we will all gather here tonight at 8pm and simultaneously start watching the film. The comment section will give us the opportunity to then discuss on the who's and what's of the film whilst watching it. The film itself is readily available on Netflix, so we hope a lot of you can join but feel free to get involved even if you only have Pet Sematary on a Blu-Ray or another streaming service hugging


Otherwise, we will see you here at 8pm, with your popcorn at the ready, steady, watch!

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Believe it or not, I did actually @Mi-Amigo sweat_smile Although I do have to admit that I hid behind some cushions at point and ran around the flat with the lights on when it got too scary upside_down Her sister for example was a bit too next level for me joy

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I enjoyed it @gmarkj @TheresaV @Mi-Amigo 

However I do think the 1989 version was better. Having said that, in 1989, horror films by Stephen King  broke the mold in the horror genre.

Every single one was frightening.... simply because he is a master story teller AND he retained control of each and every film. He insisted on that, otherwise no-one got the rights to make a film.

Also way back in 1989 other horror films followed the slash and gore edict. Halloween, Friday 13th, Omen etc etc.

Stephen King books which were turned into films, tended to play on your mind more, building up to gut wrenching fear..

I mean what on earth could possibly be frightening about a couple taking on a job at at the Overlook Hotel with their young son? Nothing at all....joyFear


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I watched 1922 a couple of years ago @Cleoriff and was absolutely terrified by it but I do have to agree, I tend to find older horror films a lot scarier than recent ones. Not sure why but maybe the CGI and everything makes it look a bit too unreal? I still really enjoyed Pet Sematary but I do really want to watch the original one now to compare....


Did you watch the Bates Motel series on Netflix? Highly recommend that!

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@Cleoriff and @TheresaV 

The first Stephen King book I read was "Dead Zone" and from then on I was hooked.

As I`ve said, my favourite Stephen King film [and book] is "Christine". I didn`t like "IT" [neither book nor film], but admit that the 1989 original "Pet Sematary" was, to me, the scariest film. 


Girl in a jacket

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Robert Kennedy.

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I haven't watched Christine yet @Mi-Amigo but it's on my list! I watched the first IT movie and it was scary as hell for me so I am a bit too much of a chicken to watch the second one sweat_smile

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Message 115 of 118

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@TheresaV wrote:

@gmarkj wrote:
Sounds like everyone enjoyed the film then!

Did you have a chance to watch it over the weekend @gmarkj ?

No, not watched it yet @TheresaV - too busy/tired to watch much!


I have watched a few of the Stephen King adaptations. My favorites are the original version of IT and The Stand, although I did enjoy the Langoliers (many moons ago!).

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@TheresaV @Mi-Amigo 

I am a Stephen King fanatic. Went off him a bit when he went into the realms of fantasy with the Dark Towers. I have read most of his books and I like Firestarter which is a great book and often gets missed.

First book I read of his was Carrie and then moved onto Salems Lot Fear


I love/hate IT. My son bought it me for Christmas the year it was released. As I've said before I read a lot when I'm in bed and that damn book stopped me sleeping and started my absolute hatred of clowns Fear

I watched the film, hated it and would NEVER watch the new film of IT.

Currently reading The Outsider and have the follow on book... If It Bleeds....

I'm in for no sleep this week. Help


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Glad to have been able to watch it with so many members last Friday, great suggestion @Mi-Amigo. I hope we can do something like a Stephen King Movie Night Pt.2 in future so that I can watch your favourites @Cleoriff @Mi-Amigo smiling Btw @Cleoriff maybe you should mix your night up with some comedies, so that you can at least have a tiny bit of sleep joy


Oh once you watched it, let us know @gmarkj. I myself haven't actually read any Stephen King novels, so it's interesting to see the films (especially if I am too much of a chicken to watch them on my own)

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