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Charity (or lack of)

Not applicable

Tomorrow, my daughter and i will be doing a 5k buggy push to raise money for Bliss Babies (google it) ive heckled and heckled, and raised about 70 pound so far, which isnt bad. i have installed a JustGiving page,and you can even text your donations. 


 So why is it hard for people to give a pound these days? you can easily have a pound in change in the bottom of your bag? and why not earn brownie/ goodwill points by doing something amazing for practically nothing? if you couldnt donate at the time, you could do it up to three months after the event! 


Do any of you think charity cases are too much now? or the level of expected donations has risen? please give me your thoughts as i want to do the best i can, if it wasnt for this chairty, i wouldnt have my daughter. 


So apologies for not being online today or tomorrow (to those that will miss me) i will be resting my voice (someone made the mistake of giving me a collection tin) and will have a few early nights.. 


stay safe and well, 


C ^^{}^^ 

Message 1 of 42

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People should dig deep for a worthwhile charity if helps those in need. I was helped by children in need when I was younger myself 

Message 2 of 42

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im glad they were able to help you, im not allowed to post my page on here (i dont think) or id be recruiting here too! i lost a friend in february, and they managed to help her daughter when she was first born, so im doing this as a thank you, as a rememberance and due to the fact they helped me transform from a very scared young mum to a confident parent in regards to handling her condition slight_smile 


(sorry for the personal stuff) 

Message 3 of 42

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Good luck and hope you raise plenty for the charity.


I think in most cases it's not the fact of having a pound in your pocket to give, it's where you draw the line. I give to charity via monthly subscription to causes that particularly affect me and my family.


However, just a trip into town and you are regularly accosted with people shaking collection tins, big issue sellers, beggers in the street, idlers on the dole badly playing an instrument (cap on the floor!) and of couse the ever-increasing number of charity shops.


Even entering the supermarket, volunteers packing your bag and leaving the supermarket is designed as a guilt trip should you not throw your loose change in the tin. Most stores now have a box of lapel badges that can buy for a charitable donation in a prominent position near the till.


Even going on holiday (specifically John Lennon Airport, but I suppose others too) you are met with a lady rattling her charity tin even on early morning 6.00am flights.


It seems every other day there is a plastic bag pushed through the door asking for old clothes, shoes, spectacles etc.


Add to that all the local kids knocking on your door for sponsored runs, sponsored silences, sponsored'be a good girl today' etc.


Now I'm not a Bah Humbug! sort of guy but I do have to pick and choose who and which charitable organisations I donatie to.


As I say, I give monthly from my bank account but I do wonder if many of these 'charities' are actually genuine.


Drop me a link Carrie and I will gladly make a donation to your worthy cause and good luck.

Message 4 of 42

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Main charity giving I do is to write off tax of my company. I prefer giving it to charities where I know what it's doing rather than supporting a cause I don't believe in. (Uk government)
Nothing sucks more than that moment during an argument when you realize you’re wrong. So Ive been told wink
Message 5 of 42

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i totally agree with your statement, i am a avid supporter of childrens chairties, and thinking of setting up my own one, regarding the fact there is nothing for excema sufferers under 10's (thats another rant) and i wear chairty bands for the March for Honour Appeal, Soldiers off The Street, Afghan Heroes, Wings Appeal and of course Help For Heroes.. (im a military brat) and i know my limit. if i cant donate, ill do a bake sale, or ill walk with someone, knit, or attend a coffee morning at a later date.


as the walk i in my local area a few people i know will put some money in a pot for my daughter (Jillian) so she has that sense of goodwill. and that she did a good job (no doubt my mum will provide sweets ect) 


thank you for yur help, anything is appreciated slight_smile and i mean it slight_smile

Message 6 of 42

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i love that Liquid! slight_smile

Message 7 of 42

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And if you all want a giggle, there will be pictures in the local paper, so if there is a link, ill send it to you so you can see i earned the money well slight_smile

Message 8 of 42

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@Anonymous wrote:

Tomorrow, my daughter and i will be doing a 5k buggy push to raise money for Bliss Babies (google it) ive heckled and heckled, and raised about 70 pound so far, which isnt bad. i have installed a JustGiving page,and you can even text your donations. 


PM me the link Carrie.


Message 9 of 42

Not applicable

have done, twice 😕 x

Message 10 of 42