on 20-08-2015 19:56
on 20-08-2015 19:56
Hi there,
My iphone 4s has only 8GB and it keeps telling me my 'storage is neary full'. I can no longer keep removing apps and deleting emails, I need a bigger memory.
So I want a 32gb iphone. I have found a better deal than o2, with Vodaphone.
I saw on the O2 website that I could 'upgrade' my phone ealry by paying £98 then getting a new iphone but it's way more expensive than the vodaphone offer.
My question is, - Am I stuck wuith this O2 contract till April and cannot be released / buy my way out of it?
Cos I've gone and got a new iphone from V/phone with the great new contract already (I know I can return it but what a palava)
Can anyone help please?
on 20-08-2015 20:37
Thank you for this information. I just tried to rang but they're closed til 8am tomorrow. I'll try at 8 and let you know how I get on. Hopefully it's as simple as you say
on 20-08-2015 20:46
on 20-08-2015 20:46