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Since 19 February 2019, members of the Community have taken part in a series of Beatles-related Challenges

(the fourth - Nature In Lyrics - is now running), which have attracted hundreds of views.


Now six members of the Community, all of them Beatles` fans, face a series of rounds over a week in


                                                              THE BEATLES` SIX TRIVIA QUIZ


                                 the Off-Topic version of the Black Chair in BBC TV`s MASTERMIND


Everyone is invited to view, as the six members tackle the questions each day from Monday 15 April


                                                                          THE PROGRAMME



  Each members has two sets of questions to choose from - BEGINNINGS or EARLY YEARS



  Q1 Which hospital was John Lennon born in?

  Q2 Which hospital was Paul Mc Cartney born in?

  Q3 Which address was George Harrison born in?

  Q4 Which address was Ringo Starr born in?

  Q5 What was the name of John`s Aunt Mimi`s house in Menlove Avenue?

  Q6 What was the address of the house where Paul lived before moving to Forthlin Road?



  Q1 What was the name of John Lennon`s first group?

  Q2 Where did Paul McCartney make his first public appearance?

  Q3 What was the name of the first group George Harrison played with?

  Q4 What was the name of the first group Ringo Starr played with?

  Q5 What was the name of the club owned by drummer Pete Best`s mother where The Beatles played?

  Q6 What was the names of the first club in Hamburg, Germany where The Beatles played?


Each member can choose one question only from one set. Once a question has been chosen no other member can choose that question.

Answer can be posted after [and not before] 10pm on Monday and up to 10pm on Tuesday.


TUESDAY: Each member must choose one unanswered question for the section not chosen on Monday.

Answers can be posted after [and not before] 11pm on Tuesday and up to 10pm on Wednesday.


WEDNESDAY:  Each member has two sets of questions to choose from - PEOPLE or PLACES

[questions will be announced on Tuesday]


THURSDAY: Each member must choose a question from the set not answered on Wednesday


FRIDAY: Each member must choose a question from the unanswered or incorrectly answered questions during the week, and any additional questions to make six to choose from. [more of that later].


The six members have been given over 24 hours to choose their first answer.



No googling, wiki, social media, or any other form to seach for the answers.

No answer can be posted until after 10pm Monday, when only one answer to one question from one set can be posted, but not an answer to a question already answered.

Members have from 10pm Monday until 10pm Tuesday to post their first answer.


If any member has any questions, please post them and I will reply.


I hope all six members will enjoy the quiz and that members of the Community will enjoy watching.


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 1 of 76

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@Mi-Amigo wrote:




The choice of subject and the six questions in each set to choose from for ROUND3 will be posted at 10pm tonight.

You will have 24 hours or more to consider which to go for in ROUND 3 after 11pm on Wednesday.

Ohhh there's always one (me) who gets confused @Mi-Amigo 

Are you saying we can't post another answer to the trivia quiz till after 11pm tomorrow (Wednesday) night?? Also will they be NEW questions?


If so, that's one less thing I have to think about joy

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 21 of 76

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@Cleoriff wrote:

@Mi-Amigo wrote:




The choice of subject and the six questions in each set to choose from for ROUND3 will be posted at 10pm tonight.

You will have 24 hours or more to consider which to go for in ROUND 3 after 11pm on Wednesday.

Ohhh there's always one (me) who gets confused @Mi-Amigo 

Are you saying we can't post another answer to the trivia quiz till after 11pm tomorrow (Wednesday) night?? Also will they be NEW questions?


If so, that's one less thing I have to think about joy

I never mind you asking @Cleoriff  as it help clarify things for everyone.

To explain, for each day and time:

Tonight [Tuesday}: at 10pm I will give the answers for ROUND 1 and also say which set of questions each of you must choose to give an answer from in ROUND 2.

From Tuesday at 11pm until Wednesday at 10pm, you can post your answer for ROUND 2.


Also tonight at 10pm, I will post the next, new, two sets of questions. This is to give you all time to consider which one question from which one set you will choose to answer in ROUND 3. But you cannot post your answer to ROUND 3 until after 11pm on Wednesday.


Hope that makes things a little easier.


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 22 of 76

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@Mi-Amigo wrote:

@Cleoriff wrote:

@Mi-Amigo wrote:




The choice of subject and the six questions in each set to choose from for ROUND3 will be posted at 10pm tonight.

You will have 24 hours or more to consider which to go for in ROUND 3 after 11pm on Wednesday.

Ohhh there's always one (me) who gets confused @Mi-Amigo 

Are you saying we can't post another answer to the trivia quiz till after 11pm tomorrow (Wednesday) night?? Also will they be NEW questions?


If so, that's one less thing I have to think about joy

I never mind you asking @Cleoriff  as it help clarify things for everyone.

To explain, for each day and time:

Tonight [Tuesday}: at 10pm I will give the answers for ROUND 1 and also say which set of questions each of you must choose to give an answer from in ROUND 2.

From Tuesday at 11pm until Wednesday at 10pm, you can post your answer for ROUND 2.


Also tonight at 10pm, I will post the next, new, two sets of questions. This is to give you all time to consider which one question from which one set you will choose to answer in ROUND 3. But you cannot post your answer to ROUND 3 until after 11pm on Wednesday.


Hope that makes things a little easier.


Lover of all things Samsung. Currently using Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus 128gb

Message 23 of 76

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So I can give an answer tonight then??  Must put a reminder on my phone...Horrified Confused rofl


Good job I'm off out for a breath of fresh air in a minute. Let's hope it clears my poor head LOL

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 24 of 76

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Glad I'm not the only one who's confused......
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Message 25 of 76

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@MI5 wrote:
Glad I'm not the only one who's confused......

I think it's safe to say @MI5 we're ALL confused and getting more confused by the minute LOL

Lover of all things Samsung. Currently using Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus 128gb

Message 26 of 76

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I can understand it may be confusing at the moment.

Owing to the time difference, I am waiting for @Bambino to give his answer. Also @pgn has pm`d me to say he is dropping out. But the quiz will continue as Beatles` Six Quiz because there are six questions in each set.


To try and make it a little easier to understand how it is meant to work, I will explain each Round, when you can post, and when I give the answers.

ROUND 1: you had two sets of questions to choose from, and answered one question from one set; which means that there will be unanswered questions in each set. I will give the results for Round 1 at 10pm tonight.

Now to try and explain the bit which might be causing confusion.

At 10pm tonight, I will let each of you know from which set of questions you must choose a question to answer in Round 2 - that is one question from the set you did not choose to give an answer to in Round 1.

For example, if you chose Q3 in Early Years in Round 1 then you must choose one of the unanswered questions which are still left in Beginnings for Round 2.

You will then have from 11pm tonight until 10pm tomorrow [Wed] to give your answer for Round 2.

So yes, you do post an answer tonight after 11pm - for Round 2


Round 3 - as yet you do not know the questions in two sets from which to choose.

At 10pm tonight, I will post the next two sets of questions from which you can choose one question

from one set to answer for Round 3. This is so you have as long as possible to choose which set you want to answer a question from for Round 3.

You cannot post your answer for Round 3 until after 11pm on Wednesday - that is after results for Round 2 given at 10pm on Wednesday.


I am sorry that this has caused confusion but hope that things will be much clearer at 10pm tonight.

If you still have questions, or need anything clarified, please ask. It is your quiz and I want you to enjoy it.

Apologies again.




Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 27 of 76

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No that's all clear now @Mi-Amigo 


I think the confusion (for me anyway) is that we now have two quizzes running together.

I had got in the habit (with the previous quiz) of posting one answer at 12mn or thereafter.


Now we have one which we can post at 11pm and the Nature Quiz which we can post at 12mn or after.


I think I have it straight in my mind now....or I hope I have (said the Mad Hatter) cool

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 28 of 76

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I can see that two quizzes running might cause confusion (which was why I allowed @Glory1  her one minute early post yesterday).

I think that come 10pm tonight when the results are given and who can choose from what for Round 2, then everyone will settle into it, and will post on this Beatles Six Trivia Quiz after 11pm.

How it runs will get easier. Whether any of you find the questions easier, is another matter.


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 29 of 76

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My God, this is all getting a little much for me. I'm seriously thinking of opting out.

Message 30 of 76