25-06-2018 16:32 - edited 25-06-2018 16:32
25-06-2018 16:32 - edited 25-06-2018 16:32
Hi guys,
Did you know that today, June 25th, is Global Beatles Day?
The day was founded in 2009 and celebrates the huge influence that the Beatles had on the global society with their music, and also with their ideals. The song "All you need is love", written by John Lennon, was first performed by the Beatles on June 25th, 1967.
I know many of you are into music - do we have any Beatles fans here?
If so, what's your favourite album from them?
Which song(s) do you enjoy the most?
Do you have any specific lyrics you love and would like to share?
on 27-06-2018 00:59
on 27-06-2018 00:59
Yes @Cleoriff
Back in the sixties it was uncool to like the Beatles if you were a rocker....yes I was but I liked both of the bands, so different but the Beatles started off with the slicked back hair and leather jackets. And both bands found their roots in American Blues music. The Beatles also wrote I Wanna Be Your Man for the Stones.....or maybe they just asked if they could record it?
on 27-06-2018 07:43
on 27-06-2018 07:43
The Beatles wrote I Wanna Be Your Man in 1963, gave it to the Stones who released it in November 63. The Beatles then recorded it themselves on an album.
According to Wiki John Lennon was quite dismissive of it back in the day saying 'it was a throwaway...the only two versions were by Ringo and the Stones...we weren't gonna give them anything good were we?
You can see why he said that ...on this version by the Beatles.
Yet it was such an iconic song for the Stones...suited their style much better
Veritas Numquam Perit
on 27-06-2018 11:26
on 27-06-2018 11:26
I remember it well, I have the Stones version as both singles and album and Ringo's first solo as an album track on With The Beatles (i think?)
on 27-06-2018 20:38
on 27-06-2018 20:38
on 27-06-2018 23:49
on 27-06-2018 23:49
on 28-06-2018 00:10
on 28-06-2018 00:10
on 28-06-2018 00:30
on 28-06-2018 00:30
on 28-06-2018 06:55
on 28-06-2018 06:55
@jonsie wrote:
@Cleoriff wrote:
@jonsie wrote:Thanks @Cleoriff, I couldn't check because all my albums are in my son's loft. I could have Googled it but it was silly o'clock....
Well I googled it Steve...I aint that bloody clever...
There's me thinking you went straight to your vinyl collection to check.....
My vinyl collection is in the garage...
Veritas Numquam Perit
on 28-06-2018 07:15
on 28-06-2018 07:15
So you are really into your 'garage' music.....
on 28-06-2018 09:28
on 28-06-2018 09:28
I was never really into the Beatles
I always liked the Kinks, and some of their music still sounds just as fresh today. Ray Davies wrote a very successful musical (Sunny Afternoon), which was based on the band’s career, and it’s actually still relevant today in revealing how young bands have always been exploited by greedy executives in the music industry.
According to this article there’s talk of them getting back together, and they may even play some live shows: