on 29-07-2024 16:42
I’m looking to upgrade which would involve paying off my device plan but I also want to recycle my current phone. Can I use the recycle payment to pay off my device plan?
on 29-07-2024 16:54
Yes you can https://www.o2recycle.co.uk/
You can also recycle at any of the other well known companies and use the money towards paying off your device.
on 29-07-2024 17:33
on 29-07-2024 17:33
@Ibush If you recycle your phone with O2 be sure to take photos of it before you send it off. If you search the forum you will find many past posts of people sending their phones off thinking they were going to get the amount they were told they would be getting only to find that O2 Recycle have told them their phone had 'water damage' or a 'cracked screen' and were offered far less. I don't know if they still try those tricks, but having photo evidence of the condition of your phone before you send it away is good protection against the possibility of that happening.