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O2 Roaming Down for 12Hours +

Not applicable
Anyone else noticed that Roaming with and O2 phone is broken and has been since last night about 1900 BST.

I've phone O2 this morning only to be told that they know it's down but have no idea when it will be back up!!

Message 1 of 29

Not applicable
Me too and I'm absolutely sick and tired of O2 now despite loving my iphone. Been back with them just over a month and in the last week it's been:

- MMS down
- Internet down
- Roaming data charges when I have data roaming off
- Roaming down
- TERRIBLE customer service from people that don't understand what I'm saying and can't converse back in my own language.

Regardless of whether I'm out of my 14 days return or 28 days faulty return period, these are all shocking events for a new customer and when I get home I will think seriously about whether I have been treated fairly under my contract. I think not!
Message 2 of 29

Not applicable
I just can't believe that they could have a major outage like this for 16+ hours now...

This sort of service should have multiple redundancy built into it. Maximum outage should be only a few hours. If it was hardware failure then it should just have taken a small time to replace the hardware.
Message 3 of 29

Not applicable
I can't believe this but at least marginally glad it is not just me...

I hurt my hand last night punching the $5/min hotel phone as the 24hr customer service voicemail told me that the office was closed. Why are O2 so poor at one of the simplest business rules of customer service.

I am in the States with no signal and no support from the UK, at a minimum they should be able to describe the problem and give some estimate as to when roaming will be back up, even if that estimate is 48 hours or some other horrific number.
Unless they haven't been paying their bills...
Message 4 of 29

Not applicable
Nice to see that internal O2 communications match up with external. 😞

Good Afternoon John

I'm sorry to know that you're unable to use our services in the US.

John, I can understand your inconvenience as you're unable to use your iPhone after lunch. I suggest you to manually register your phone with a network other than Cingular Wireless or T-Mobile, and then come back to either Cingular Wireless or T-Mobile and check the service again. This is because in US we've the roaming agreement with these Service Provider's. To do a manual network selection, you'll need to navigate through your mobile's menu to the network selection menu then follow these steps:

1. Choose network selection.
2. Select a different network (you'll get an error message).
3. Repeat the previous two steps, this time choosing either Cingular Wireless or T-Mobile.

Please note that the network selection section will vary according to the make and model of your phone. Check your user guide for the correct menu map.

- Try using your SIM card with another O2 compatible phone if available. This is to rule out the possibility if the problem lies with your hardware.

I hope this will solve your problem.

If you're still unable to use our services, please contact us on +448705 214 000 and we'll then help you further.

We're available 24 hours.

Calls are free from your O2 business phone. Calls from other Service Provider's will be charged at Service Provider's International published rates.

I hope you'll find this information useful.

Kind Regards

Sadaf Zaheer

Business Customer Service
Message 5 of 29

Not applicable
This is what you get when you offshore your customer services. Operatives that have no idea what you're asking about, what the current network status is and then patronise you with rubbish cut and paste responses.

In fact the only acknowledgement that there might be a problem is from @o2 on twitter and then (despite me asking hours ago!) it was only in response to the F1 presenter from BBC who happened to tweet the same thing as us - that it isn't working. Punch up #o2fail and it's starting to get traction on twitter.

If o2 are going to partner with services such as twitter and facebook, they really need to sit up and realise what sort of damage these services can do to their business also.
Message 6 of 29

Not applicable
I am having a similar problem in France. I arrived in Nice airport at 8.30pm bst last night.
I received a roaming text message from O2.
Since then, my phone has registered No Service.

My handset, iPhone 3 gs, can see 3 networks. However I cannot even connect to any of them manually.

The same thing is happening to my partner who is also an O2 customer.
So it is unlikely to be a problem with my handset. We even swapped SIM cards but that did not help.

I called o2 customer service in the uk at 11am bst but they did not tell me about a roaming
problem. They just gave me standard advice.

I can reproduce these symptoms after changing SIM cards, ie a single successful roaming connection receiving textmessages followed by indefinite No Service.

It would be good if O2 can confirm the existence or otherwise of a roaming problem with their customers abroad.
That will save me the hassle of arranging for a new SIM card or going to Apple Store.
Message 7 of 29

Not applicable
Arrived in Sweden last night at 8:30 - never got a network. Service came back this afternoon for about 5 minutes during with I received 2 texts but could not make a call. Since then, nothing.

This is complete crap - I hope they're planning to offer me a pro-rata refund for the lost days!
Message 8 of 29

Not applicable
it's been almost 24 hours here (Germany) without any network! Does anyone know how serious the problem is? It must be pretty bad. I wish someone from O2 would post a message here or that they would *at least* post something up on the homepage about it (seriousness, timescale etc.). An acknowledgement of the problem would be a start. I am quite disillusioned with O2...
Message 9 of 29

Not applicable
I've filed a complaint with ofcom, I suggest everyone do the same. It's about the only way O2 will take any notice of us!
Message 10 of 29