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Apple IOS Vers Android Vers New Windows 8

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Well as most of you know, in November I was at a O2 speed rating session in London and one thing that I was really impressed with was Windows 8 on the HTC 8X.


Now I said that I was going to write a review on all 3 operating systems, but I've sort of held of until now as I wanted to really get a feel for Windows 8 and was it just that I fell in Love with it on that night.


I'm lucky enough to and have owned Many Android and Iphones and even though one of my friends own a Lumia 800, I've never really played with and Windows 8 phones or really played with any Windows phones at great length.


So let me begin.




I've always liked that Android is free and you can do what ever you like with it pretty much. I like that you are able to customise the phone, have a nice home screen with weather and time etc and the phone feels different to every one else's. Apps are plentiful too.



Too many different versions of Android that has caused inconsistencies (Fragmented) with handsets and manufactures, Some apps work and some don't, depending on which version you have. Android apps are also more prone to malware / Viruses. I've also find because every manufacture does something different, its become hard to locate just the basic menus  and then there can be too many menus for you to choose from. 



Apple IOS


I really do like Apple IOS and the easiest thing for me to say that it just works. Apps flow and integrate with each other and everything is easy to use and navigate to. Apps are plentiful and general a better feel and have quality to them. Apps mostly work through out the IOS range and Apple seem more consistent with their updates than most manufacturers. Apple lock their iPhones down to protect themselves and customers from Bad apps (Although some sneak through like Apple Maps lol). IOS flows and never feels slow and unresponsive too. Easiest way I can describe IOS is It just works.



IOS can be in some parts locked down too much. No real home screen and not much in the customisable department. IOS I feel has now started to show its age and need a little bit of a makeover.


Windows 8 (Mobile phone version)


I instantly gelled with Windows 8 and since the HTC 8X. I've been lucky to play with Nokias Windows 8 version for many hours and now one of my friends owns a HTC 8X been able to really see if I like the operating system and I do. It feels fresh, modern and looks great. All the phones I use were fast and never faltered once. Integration from what I could see between apps were good (Not at good as IOS) but they were good. A Few quirks that need to be improved on, but I was just able to pick the phone up and with out knowing where I was going was able to do what I wanted to do. Menus are logical and the phone is easy to understand. I really cant praise Windows 8 enough and Even though I own a iphone 5. If it was my first smartphone and didn't want a iPhone, then this for me would be at the top of my list.



Apps are few and far between, however its still in early stages and I'm hoping that they will get more and better. Apps also seem more expensive than the other 2 operating systems.

I'm also worried that if Microsoft don't push the phone in the correct manner, then they wont flog it to the current Apple IOS and Android fans out there.



Now this is only a brief view of all 3 Operating systems, but Microsoft Windows 8 has done a lot and impressed me, however there are a lot of Android and Apple users out there and have they done enough to impress them?


Is there room for 3 operating systems. Yes I think there is. Every body has a different niche in life and its that the good thing, however If Microsoft and manufactures don't push it right then it will be just never take of. Also the people that create the apps also need to be on board as well. Pricing is another problem. People are willing to buy things, but if apps are cheaper and more available on one platform than the other, then people will start to move to other platforms when the time comes to upgrade.


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Use iPhone XS Max dual sim, SE, Honor 10, IPad Pro 11, Apple Watch 4 LTE, 100+ Mpbs Barrier and a Record Player.

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Lovely review Darren slight_smile
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Level 28: Ingenious
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Thanks all I aim to please


Well sometimes lol wink

Need Help, Just ask. We are one big Family here in the o2 Forum.
Use iPhone XS Max dual sim, SE, Honor 10, IPad Pro 11, Apple Watch 4 LTE, 100+ Mpbs Barrier and a Record Player.

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