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why does o2 favour Apple?

Level 56: Guvnor
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Genuine question to the powers that be.
Why, since the announcement of the iPhone 6, have only Apple products been able to be pre ordered?
We all assumed that after the, still ongoing, fiasco of iPhone 6, that the lack of preorders was due to failures within the system. However, upon looking at the store today, I am greeted with "ipad air 2, preorders now" so clearly it is another reason.
The Galaxy note 4, Samsungs big q3/4 release suffered the same fate as the Xperia Z3, in that no information was given at all, even those who signed up for "keep me in the loop" type emails received nothing.
Staff didn't know a thing until they turned up in stores.
Why is it that the Xperia tablet z3 doesnt so much as have a flicker on the o2 site, yet was announced a full month before the soon to be out of stock ipad?
Why is it that the nexi (I'm using that for plural) are just "register interest" when so far this last 6 months, has proven pointless.
When bona fide customers are left, having to run around looking for stock on a release day, because they were not given the chance of securing a unit, it's not a very good advertisement for a company that wins awards for customer satisfaction. And those who, on release day, ring up or go online to speak to advisors. Shouldn't expect to be lied to regarding stock levels.
I understand that the iPhone purchasers are still containing unsatisfied orders, but that's not the fault of other customers is it?
At least they had the chance of pre ordering, and if they had to wait, got paid to do so.
So, the only answer is, also a question.
Why are O2 favouring Apple?
Message 1 of 12

Not applicable

well put viridis

as a non-techie person, but learning every day & every way, since joing O2 community mid Jan this year, even I can understand what you have 'written' above 


Message 2 of 12

Not applicable
Hi @viridis

A very valid question but alas I don't think you or anyone outside of the business will ever be advised on their business strategies and decisions.

I'm sure we all remember the recent discussion from @Anonymous and the Social Media Team regarding the Business Decision not to sell the Blackberry phones scenario.

Probable fact : Apple products have always generated enormous amounts of interest ,and also generate massive amounts of New and Upgrade business = Revenue.

I'm not sure if Manufacturers invest an amount to the Networks to sell their products.

I remember quite a while ago when a member highlighted that it was only when an iPhone launch was released that a representative from O2 came on and started a thread highlighting the iPhone. The question was asked Why ~ and now we do see this happen more frequently when another manufacturers products become available through O2.

I agree with you on the 'Keep Me In The Loop' feature.

I've never recieved anything from that either.

Perhaps @Toby and @Anonymous can feed that back.

I wish you luck in your quest for an answer. 😉
Message 3 of 12

Level 94: Supreme
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I'm ignoring Apple in my response as they are a law unto themselves, but others, the likes of Samsung, Sony HTC etc will pay networks to stock their products - If they don't pay enough, the networks aren't interested (cue BB), but also and conversely, this means that the OE's won't push their products to the networks that they have no faith in - Draw your own assumptions from that.......!
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Message 4 of 12

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I dont think Samsung, Sony, HTC etc need the advertising the iPhone does.


It seems Apple needs help convincing people to spend £700+ on thier products.......personally I can see why!! Shocked  

Message 5 of 12

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To those of us not in the know about O2's business strategies certainly does smack of bias towards Apple.

This is my first time seeing an Apple launch on here and I am absolutely appalled at the hype given to this product only...

Everything else pales by comparison. It is as if other flagship models are of little interest to O2 as they only want the custom from Apple users...

Even the forum seems generated to protect those people who want to say the same thing and ask the same questions over and over again.... I am not being dismissive here, I am purely saying how I have perceived the whole iPhone frenzy...

It does not need anyone to dispute these statements....all anyone needs to do is read back through all the Apple generated threads over the past two months....

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 6 of 12

Not applicable
An interesting thought but Nah 😉
Message 7 of 12

Level 32: Blockbuster         
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One possible reason for O2's Apple strategy is that they believe(d) that they can achieve higher sales volumes by prioritising one of the most popular brands thus maximising their airtime revenues.


O2 probably make peanuts from iPhone device sales but airtime revenues should be massive purely because of the number of units sold.

"My life is a facsimile of a sham"
Message 8 of 12

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Hi guys,


Here is a response that we made relating to this.



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Message 9 of 12

Level 32: Blockbuster         
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No company would place great emphasis on a product with small volume sales which returns low revenues/profits.


The iPhone sales volume is critical for O2 (and other network providers) because of the airtime package revenues that go with it, this is where the profits are generated not the device itself.


If any company directs their attention towards a low volume product then they're not long for this world.

"My life is a facsimile of a sham"
Message 10 of 12