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twice today phone disabled by o2 as reported lost stolen when it wasnt

Not applicable
twice today 10am and again 5pm my phone said not connected to network phone 02 told it was reported lost/stolen both times told them this not case both times phone put back on with in mins. Second time i was told not been put back on in morning, I said it was as i took calls and made calls and sent text.
This not 1st time this happened it seems anyone can phone 02 say found phone quote number and phone is disabled. Rather good trick if you run a business and your competitor phones up and gets your phone cut off, more business for them. Surely o2 can call the number and say we had this phone reported of lost/stolen and give us password so we dont cut it off, or phone landline number that we put on our account.
any one else had this happen ?
Message 1 of 13

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I doubt it would get blocked unless the person calling knew the account password too, so if it is what is happening I suggest you change your password asap and don't use your Mothers Maiden name wink
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Message 2 of 13

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no was told dont need password if caller says found the phone. They auto disable
Message 3 of 13

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That system has some serious flaws in its logic - I can understand a temp block on the phone (to protect the customer in a genuine case of loss) but efforts should be made by O2 to confirm the loss (or lack of) with the customer asap....... 😞
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Message 4 of 13

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@MI5 wrote:
That system has some serious flaws in its logic - I can understand a temp block on the phone (to protect the customer in a genuine case of loss) but efforts should be made by O2 to confirm the loss (or lack of) with the customer asap....... 😞

It also sounds as if the OP thinks this call was made maliciously by a competitor. So probably  a more major issue of concern?....

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 5 of 13

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Indeed... Far too easy to "nobble" the competition 😞
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Message 6 of 13

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It's reasonable to place a temporary restriction on the phone the first time but once the customer has phoned up to tell them it's been falsely or maliciously reported as lost/stolen then surely common sense would be to contact the customer if further reports are filed. After all, there are notes on the account and it shouldn't be up to the customer to tell them not to block the phone unless they personally call to report it.

I know for a fact that at one time only the owner or account holder could report a phone as lost or stolen. There would be a temporary bar on calls placed on the phone for 24 hours and if the owner didn't call in the restriction would be lifted.

Message 7 of 13

Not applicable
just for ref i also have private number from 02 and orange just gave them a call and said is this one of your numbers as ive just found this phone... both done from another vodafone payg number, Both o2 and orange looked confirmed that that was one of their numbers and said thanks we will inform owner..
10mins later my 02 number disabled and 12 mins later orange disabled neither supplier asked for password neither called me to confirm my phone had been stolen.......
This is a bad loop hole, i can understand barring calls out and web link but they totally disable phone so you cant even call 02 or 999 . This could be dangerous if lady on own or with a man who knows this and could well need i say it......Or god forbid a child.
This really needs to be looked at phone providers
Message 8 of 13

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I have to agree. It could lead to all sorts of mischief....
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Message 9 of 13

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Yes it could. It should be changed back to only the owner being able to have a restriction applied, after all the owner would be sure to report it themselves.

The only problem would be if someone is abroad or unable to contact the network and asks a family member or friend to report it.

Damned if you do, damned if you don't. It's not a clearcut arguement either way.

Message 10 of 13