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third class customers

Level 1: Joiner
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Why dose O2 treat pay as you go customers like they are eather 3rd class customers or theyt are Scum.

I spoke to an agent and afdter 10 ways to confirm my identity I was transfered to another agent to help me. I have a week O2 signnal at home the new agent tells me i must call O2 with a signal that is so week its hard to know what the other person is saying. 

Asking for there supervisor i then get chat discinected.

Shows how pay as you go get treated like **** from O2.

Message 1 of 6

Level 94: Supreme
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Yet standard rates, mms messages and international calls are all cheaper on PAYG smirk

I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Message 2 of 6

Level 86: Prestigious
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@thirdclass You can check your coverage here:
If your signal is weak in your area it would be the same if you were on a Pay Monthly contract.


Message 3 of 6

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Thank you 

I am aware how to check my signal strenthand the strenth acording to O2 the signal is good outdoors and indoors I live in a second floor flat. The reason I contacted O2 was to find a way to solve the problem but O2 look down on pay as you go customers and after going throw about 20 securety questions where the agent was aware i was pay as you go transfers me to someone that did not want to help and endeed the chat when i asked for there manager. Showing how O2 look down on pay as you go customers and treat them like they are scum.

Message 4 of 6

Level 78: King of Kings
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There is very little they will be able to do to assist with weak signal inside a property as many factors can affect signal strength, especially in multi storey properties, due to the glass, metal and stone work.

o2 dont provide Wifi Calling to PAYG customers, nor do they provide any other services.

Have you tried your simcard in a different handset and tested the signal, as it could be a fault with the handset?

If this doesnt work then the best option in your case may be to try different network sims and im afraid port your number to a network that offers you better reception.
This is not customer services and we dont have access to your account
I do not work for o2 or any VMo2 /Telefonica/Liberty Global Company
Message 5 of 6

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Thank you for comfirming O2 regard there pay as you go customers as thid class customers and do nothing for pay as you go customers.


"o2 dont provide Wifi Calling to PAYG customers, nor do they provide any other services."


uSwitch Best Network for Coverage.
GWS Best Network for Reliability.
Mobile News Awards Best Network Performance for two years running.

The bit missing should read Only for contract customers, Who cares anything about Pay As You Go customers thay are nothing.


As long as you are not a pay as you go customer. If you are you are on your own, as O2 will not let pay as you go customers do wifi calling nor do they provide any other servises. O2 do not care how much you spend a month on pay as you go, don't care how long you have been an O2 customer as you are considerd inferior and looked down on as you are nothing in the eyes of O2 

Message 6 of 6