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o2 secruity risk.

Not applicable

The service I have recieved over the last 5 days has been disgusting.


I am writing this to find out if anyone has had this happen to them?


The situation is - 5 days ago my number was made inactive, I phone 02 to find out my 02 contract number has been transfered to Vodaphone pay as you go.


I was then told they are not sure why this has happened without me requesting it, as they researched further I was told that someone either had phoned 02 up to request the change and used my name or there had been a computer/worker fault. either way secruity had been breached or it had been an honest mistake by an o2 worker. (which they are doing thier best to cover up)


for the last 5 days I have been told that they will have my number back by the end of the day while they search for the reasons this had happened. 5 days on my number is still with Vodaphone.


Each time I ring customer service a new manager advises me that my number will be active in 24 hours, during my lastest phonecall with 02 they have said someone has phoned up  fraudally asking for the change of provider for definite and they have listened to it but they are unable to identfy if they asked the secruity questions! aswell as this they dont log the number it was called on!


If anyone has had this happen to them please get in touch, as I do not know what to do and 02 keep passing me on each day.



Message 1 of 30

Level 94: Supreme
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Not something we hear of very often at all but should be easy enough to reverse.
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Message 2 of 30

Former Staff
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Hi Unhappyatotwo,

Sorry to hear about this. If your account has been reversed back by tomorrow, send me a message and I'll look into it for you.

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Message 3 of 30

Not applicable

I would first change all your security questions and answers.

Secondly fill in the complaint form to push for this to be resolved.

Hope this is resolved for you.
Message 4 of 30

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If someone has asked for a PAC code then surely they should have been asked security questions. If not this is a serious breech of the data protection act. Either this way or a system/operator error is very rare and quite rightly you want some answers.

Message 5 of 30

Not applicable

exactly! they are now saying that they have listened to the phone call of this mystery person claiming to be me, when I asked 02 what secruity question was asked, they said they couldnt tell me!


as customers can we request to hear the phonecalls made from my account to customer service?



Message 6 of 30

Level 94: Supreme
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My understanding is that the only time they have to make a recording public is if requested by the Police or a solicitor in support of an investigation by the legal authorities.
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 7 of 30

Not applicable

ok, thankyou!


well hopefully in the morning they have some more answers!


and hopefully vodaphone send back my number.

Message 8 of 30

Not applicable

Why have I got the feeling that Vodafone wont hand back the phone number?


Didn't O2 used to send a security code via text to the phone number on the account for you to read back to the operator to help prove it was the correct person who was ringing in?


Wouldnt be no use if someone else had access to the phone & knew your account security details.

Message 9 of 30

Not applicable

yes they always ask the secruity question everytime I ring in so im not sure why they wouldnt this time! and also the pac code is normally sent through to the device via text i believe? i never recieved this text or any correspondance.


but your correct vodaphone dont seem to be in a hurry to responde so im left waiting with no phone while o2 figure out whats happening, it would be bearable if they wouldnt keep making me explain the situation then tell me I should wait another 48 hours every 2 days on the customer service phone line!







Message 10 of 30