on 05-01-2015 18:39
on 05-01-2015 18:39
o2 have what i beleive failed me in the customer service department, although im not sure if i am being out if term in respect of their so called terms 😕
Basically, phone was lost/stolen at night, i was unaware until the following evening - which i then blocked using the find my iphone app, mainly as i thought the phone may have been found and handed in so did not want to call o2 and block completely. As far as i am aware it is a palava to get the phone/sim re-unblocked.
Upon finding out the phone had not been handed in i blocked the phone/sim.
From the time it got stolen and when i blocked it with find my iphone they had ran up a £30 bill using premium numbers and txts.
o2 have basically said i am responsible to pay for these as i had not blocked the phone the same day. Even though i have never ever used premium numbers in the history of years and years as an o2 customer, also mentioned to them that as of that night after the last txt i sent (gave them the number i txt'd) there had been no 'normal' usage made on the phone ie to any of my contacts etc.
They are not interested and blaintly say i have to pay it.
on 05-01-2015 19:09
on 05-01-2015 19:33
on 05-01-2015 19:33
@Anonymous wrote:Thanks for the info.
Happy to help and I do think if you try 202 again you might get a different response.
Stay calm and polite and plead poverty
on 05-01-2015 19:37
on 05-01-2015 19:37
on 05-01-2015 19:57
Losing a phone or having it stolen is a very upsetting experience, but it is vital that the loss be reported to O2 as soon as practicable. Page http://www.o2.co.uk/help/phones-and-devices/lost-or-stolen-device gives the contact numbers - but perhaps as we approach the main holiday months O2 Community could put something clear and concise on the Community "front page" to remind customers what is required, and the potential consequences of delay in reporting a lost/stolen phone.
on 05-01-2015 20:35
@Anonymous wrote:Losing a phone or having it stolen is a very upsetting experience
Not if it's a Motorola Defy
on 05-01-2015 20:49
on 05-01-2015 20:49
on 05-01-2015 21:11
on 05-01-2015 21:11