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Forum Posts

Community platform bugs, issues and suggestions

Hey everyone, This topic is a place where we will keep the community updated about the status of any issues or bugs affecting the community platform that we are aware of and have reported. We will keep an up to date tracker of what the issue is, when...

Martin-O2 by Former Staff
  • 213 replies
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Guide Updates

GUIDE UPDATESRecent discussions HERE about locking guides a week or so after they were posted, resulted in an agreement to have a section where all of us could ask for a guide to be updated if we felt it necessary. So I'll start it off. The first gui...

Cleoriff by Level 94: Supreme
  • 45 replies
  • 6 kudos

Monthly deal

I was put into a false sense of security where I'd been put under the impression that I would be paying for a pay as you go deal of 30gb a month @£10 a month but ive just received a message a new sim is being sent of which I don't need! As I don't ha...

Dmoylan64 by Level 1: Joiner
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Not very satisfied

Got an unexpected bill of £415.77 this all wrong spoke to virgin yesterday they said it,s an O2 issue spoke to O2 it's a virgin issue was promised a waive discharge no one will help . Never wanted or agreed to O2 in the first leave it incase you chan...

How can I distinguish a genuine O2 number

I have been called by 02046033582 and 02046033583 in conjunction with special offers from O2. Are these a genuine O2 numbers? The caller claims they are from O2 but when I asked them the name of O2 Chief Exec they did not know. So I ended the call. H...

OakleyOwl by Level 1: Joiner
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Delivery Pin Code - Utter Shambles

Why does customer service get away with sending a delivery PIN code to the phone I lost last week abroad knowing I have just bought a new contract and sim! Wasted yesterday and today trying to get a delivery PIN code sent to my email address associat...

DB94 by Level 1: Joiner
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PAC code issues when switching to o2

Hi folks. I just signed up as a new customer and requester to port my old number using the PAC code provided by IDMobile (three network). The first time I tried this the system timed out and asked me to try again. The second time is said something li...

cjohob by Level 1: Joiner
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Call from o2 but I'm not sure

Hi, I had a call from 020 3448 6246 claiming to be o2 and offering a deal where they just discount my bill... was this spam? Thanks

Sa13 by Level 1: Joiner
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Best SIM Cards for Using Your Smartphone in the USA

I cannot vouch for the accuracy of this article, but it addresses a topic that seems to be raised on this forum most days of the week :- Best SIM Cards for Using Your Smartphone in the USA (kenstechtips.com)https://kenstechtips.com/index.php/best-sim...

Oxonian by Level 38: Lively
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final account payment

keep getting 'pay final account' messages although i was told when leaving there was no more to pay ? No invoice in my account etc ?

Botneck by Level 1: Joiner
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