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Not applicable
This is for all o2 customers never use the o2 shop in ashington in northumberland i went into this shop about a broken screen on my N95 and was told to my face that i han broke this my self and matter how many times i told this little man i did not brake my phone my self that i had just put my hand into my pocket to make a call thats when i saw my screen was broken i thought that if i went to my local o2 shop they would help me out and tell me where to post it to to get it fixed but guess what he would nothelp me at all and he was saying i was a lier about how my phone broke which was the truth that i told him in the frist place but kept on saying i was lieing and i must have done it my self and i said to him if i broke it my self why was the outside screen not broken as well and he would not answer me at all he kept saying i was lieing any way02 cusomers i would avoid this shop all together from now on and only use 02 them self not some little dipstick behide a counter again so please dont use this shop if you got a broken phone THANK YOU FOR READING THIS.
Message 1 of 5

Not applicable
Sorry to hear that... Although it's very very hard for a screen to mysteriously break without being subject to some force.

The Carphone Warehouse may fix it for you, but you will probably have to pay I'm afraid.
Message 2 of 5

Not applicable
I agree, I'm yet to hear of a phone screen spontaneously break.

You have broke it, even if you realised or didn't but somehow you have broke it.
Message 3 of 5

Not applicable
The N95 is built like a brick. In fact, Nokia extensively torture their phones to minimise the chance of the screen cracking (unlike samsung). As anyone who saw the BBC programme recently, they twist the phones until the battery cover pops off..

What you can't protect any screen from is a knock directly to the screen, this will put presssure on the screen causing a crack. It can happen if you put the phone in a handbag or trouser pocket.

And there is no way it can happen all by itself.
Message 4 of 5

Not applicable
Nokias are bomb proof, my fella actually drove over one with a Vauxhall Senetor and it worked fine.

Well It needed a bit of tape to keep the battery cover on but other than that fine.
Message 5 of 5