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Why won't you let me pay you??

Level 1: Joiner
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From talking to others I have found that the following may be a problem for many:


No debit card to hand?  I'll pay in store!

Oh, no.  For some reason O2 stores are merely showrooms for new handsets.  They do not accept payments for existing accounts.  Yes... SHOPS that won't take money when due & offered, astounding.


What about the Automated Payments line?

See above:  I have no debit card.


OK - Lets go 'Ol Skool, I'll try and Pay O2 by deposit directly in to their account.

2 phone agents told me this was impossible, which I doubted.  But then I recalled that O2 shops, unlike every other high street presence of a massive company, won't let you pay your bill.  This company operates in a more unusual way to every other consumer experience I have had.  So I called again.  The 3rd agent then called me back twice to tell me the previous bank payment information she'd given me was wrong.  Luckily this was just before I set foot into the bank used by O2.


Deposit made, mobile number given as reference; account SHOULD now be in credit.


OH - I've now been disconnected.  Strangely for a company that specialises in COMMUNICATION - they don't have anyone available to talk to after 9PM.  Finding contact numbers for landlines was like pulling teeth.  O2's website is actually very pretty - but intensely hard to navigate.


Direct Debit?

Need to be able to talk to someone ON A PHONE to sort this with my new bank details.  I could go in to store, but I now really doubt they'll be able to do anything - It is merely a showroom after all.  Also, I really have trouble getting out of the house much of the time due to long term health difficulties.  The resentment I have built up so far would only mean that I'd scream at the poor swine behind the counter; even though I know it is a company decision to have showrooms with little to no facility to service existing accounts at a very basic level, i.e. accepting a bloody payment.


Now I have received a demand for full settlement of account and handset loan.  Eh?  I PAYED YOU!!  I did so BEFORE you disconnected me.  Then you have the gall to tell me you want a reconnection fee.


How the hell am I supposed to get this reconnection fee to you?  Not in store, no one to answer phone after 9PM (I'm usually nocturnal) and even if I can get to a phone during your office hours - it's still AGONY trying to find the bloody number to call you on to start with.


Perhaps I should drive a herd of sheep whose value matches this fee to your head office, leave them in the car park and see if you accept this as payment?


No?  Alright, how about a crate of Krugerrand?  Maybe a grubby fat roll of $100 bills secured with a grubbier elastic band left at a 'dead drop' location known only to O2?

Message 1 of 52

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Probably in lockdown unable to send anything anywhere....upside_down

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 51 of 52

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@AngryAndy wrote:
I had blanked the whole thing from my mind!

I hope you're all doing well though.

Welcome back, @AngryAndy

I figured someone with your flair for making a complaint would still be there, lurking in the background somewhere. Or, rather, I hoped...

Hope you're surviving the recurring bouts of lockdownmania, it's a bit like malaria - once it gets you, it never ever stops.Cry

Message 52 of 52