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Why O2 are useless

Not applicable

1. After 7/8 years of service no customer loyalty. NO BENEFITS

2. Offer worst contracts than competitors.

3. O2 community comments are "permanent" because "thats how it is"

4. Will not change my email address because I am no longer in a contract with them, but will keep my data....


6. Live chat is absolutely useless.

7. Wait for customer service line is over 60mins on AVERAGE.

Message 3 of 31

Not applicable
Excellent point @Anonymous superbly well made.
Message 21 of 31

Not applicable

Why O2 are better than the other main networks:


1. After 11/12 years of service I always receive excellent service, warm polite staff and a callcentre thats local to me.


2. Offers the best contracts for me, a seperate contract to my phone bill for my actual phone, giving me the option to upgrade when I want, so long as the cost of my phone is paid for.  Also as a by product of this, it will show up as a personal loan on your credit reports, giving you the chance of building it.


3. O2 community comments are "permanent" because "thats how it is" - not sure thats relevant tbh.


4. They work to the Data protection act slight_smile


5. Stay or leave is your own preference, but its much easier to do so now, with the better contract agreements.   I assure you though, EE and Vodafone are awful, and 3 you will be lucky to get a signal in more rural parts. T mobile wasnt worth mentioning.


6. Live chat is my prefered way of talking, no accent barriers, easy to communicate.  


7. Wait for a service line has always been with in 10 minutes of calling.  Making time to call in non peak hours always helps.


8. As customers we are very quick to complain when things go wrong, but rarely to compliment when things run smooth.  So i'll take this oppotunity to thank O2 for great service, eiffcient dealings with any issues I may have had, and for the great friendly staff slight_smile





Message 22 of 31

Not applicable
What a fabulous post @Sean5505. Welcome to the Community. Your positivity is great.

@Toby @Anonymous comments to feed back

Some out there who do little but moan should look to the positive
Message 23 of 31

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@Anonymous wrote:

1. After 7/8 years of service no customer loyalty. NO BENEFITS

2. Offer worst contracts than competitors.

3. O2 community comments are "permanent" because "thats how it is"

4. Will not change my email address because I am no longer in a contract with them, but will keep my data....


6. Live chat is absolutely useless.

7. Wait for customer service line is over 60mins on AVERAGE.

It's the same old game with every single type of market. In the beginning there's always intensive competition amongst the market players for our attention and wallets. They go above and beyond all possible means to please us; hence great, personable customer service, attention to details, all these loyalty discounts and what not. We feel important and valued. As the life goes on, the market gets saturated, some players are forced out, getting bought by their rivals etc. Plus, the service itself transforms from what used to be a some sort of exotic toy (for most of us) becomes a necessity. Hardly anyone can do without a mobile phone these days, and because of that and pretty much established alligment of forces in the market, there's little need to keep customers sweet. Some of them are going to "vote with their feet" to the "shop next door" only to find out that the quality of service is pretty much the same, give or take - "can't do" attitude, no loyalty recognition, no real attention to customer's problems, plenty of artificial obstacles on the road from a problem to a solution ("you need to wait x days", "as soon as we can, but can't promise anything", "there's a different department dealing with it, you need to speak to them now" and so on....). Mobile networks, unless they are really "taking the p&#s" big time, are pretty much guaranteed their fair share of customers, so no need of trying hard. Therefore, "the little man" just picks whatever network gives him more or less acceptable signal at his place of stay/work and gets on with it.

Message 24 of 31

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Hi @Anonymous 

Welcome to the forum. Thanks for such an articulate positive post. Lovely to read.

I had my own excellent experience with O2 CS on Friday when I changed tariff. I posted about that because I think it is good for O2 staff to read compliments instead of just complaints

Thanks again wink

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 25 of 31

Not applicable

Tried all the others they are the best of a bad bunch

Message 26 of 31

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@Anonymous wrote:

Tried all the others they are the best of a bad bunch

Yes, that pretty much sums up the mobile industry in the UK right now wink

I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 27 of 31

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@MI5 wrote:

@Anonymous wrote:

Tried all the others they are the best of a bad bunch

Yes, that pretty much sums up the mobile industry in the UK right now wink

My only experience of customer service has been with Vodaphone, EE and O2. Vodafone are definitely the worst by far. So far I've had no problems with either O2 or EE personally but people can only go off their own experience and reading comments on the forums. 

Thanks for sharing your positive comments.:smileyhappy:

Message 28 of 31

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@MI5 wrote:

@Anonymous wrote:

Tried all the others they are the best of a bad bunch

Yes, that pretty much sums up the mobile industry in the UK right now wink

I was reading this whilst watching O2 bigging themselves up with the advert for the Priority app.....(and the whole audience cheering). Mmmmm...Thinking

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 29 of 31

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@Cleoriff wrote:

@MI5 wrote:

@Anonymous wrote:

Tried all the others they are the best of a bad bunch

Yes, that pretty much sums up the mobile industry in the UK right now wink

I was reading this whilst watching O2 bigging themselves up with the advert for the Priority app.....(and the whole audience cheering). Mmmmm...Thinking

Priority app for me is pretty much useless. I got a free pair of naff sunglasses that were hideous and looked like something you would receive stuck onto a comic....nothing else worth the data used in maybe 3 years!

Message 30 of 31