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Why I chose to change to Android with Samsung S6

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So I have been a loyal Apple fan for many many years owning each iPhone since the 3G onwards.

But after all this time I have decided going to Android devices was a very big brave leap for me as I loved Apple's simplicity of things.


First of all I changed because what I love the most is how customisable android is, which leads me to Samsung, I love how innovative their phones are, such little but pleasing features to me such as the little notification light and the idea of wireless charging.


I got my iPhone 6 at launch and I was pretty much in love with it straight away such a sleek design and iOS was definately improving however it just wasnt enough. Screen size has always been a big concern for me as small is too small and big is too big but Samsung really master the screen sizes across all models theres something for everyone.


Anyone else out there whos decided this year was the time for big change?

(Still getting my head around all the settings and choices!)

Message 1 of 42

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I don't think I have the Apple 'bug' as such. I'd just as happily move back to Android if they sorted a couple of things out which matter to me. I'm certainly not one of these idiots you see in the pub boasting to their mates that they got their new iPhone on release day and it's the best phone ever wink
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Message 31 of 42

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@Mark_1980...You best pop back here in September then when  the new iPhone is released...and see those types of people posting on here....Fear

I have already booked myself a long holiday.....LOL

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 32 of 42

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If people have multi idevices then it makes sense sticking with Apple especially if family and friends also have them. Yes Apple is a very simple os to use and customer service is unparalleled. Updates ARE rolled out to all devices and I have no problem with anyone sticking by the product if that is their preference. The only thing I have criticism for is ordering 2 android phones and not giving them a fair trial. Sending back after one or two days can't possibly give you a fair indication of the phones capabilitiesin my opinion. It would have been much better to get one on Try The Tech and try it out for 2 weeks. Then fair enough, if you can't take to it and want to stay with Apple at least you will have been in a position to make a fair judgement. This is in no way personal to @Anonymous I just don't think you gave enough time for a reasonable or fair comparison and I'm sorry if you took my opinion the wrong way.

Message 33 of 42

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I had my note 3 for more than a few days infect I had it a week. In terms of time scale people trial things is down to personal preference in the fact that usually when something isn't right for them they pick that up pretty quickly. And yes that's one of the reasons I stuck to my iPhone in the end because my MacBook seemed a bit pointless without and iPhone
Message 34 of 42

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@Cleoriff - Haha, I know what you mean! The release of a new iPhone tends to turn perfectly rational people into complete loonies.. I used to live in Cardiff and remember the queues outside the Apple store on release day. I could never understand why these same people didn't just pre-order and have it delivered to their house?! Each to their own though wink

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Message 36 of 42

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@Toby I haven't signed up to the free trial yet, but I plan to. I don't listen to a lot of music on my phone but it'll be interesting to give it a whirl.
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Message 37 of 42

Level 56: Guvnor
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Hate to say it, but if a macbook feels useless without an iphone, then the macbook may not be the correct device either.
Imo, the closed os x / ios eco system is what keeps people having little choice, every single thing on this thread in regards to sharing between devices or friends CAN be done on Android, as long as you don't involve ios, in fact, android is well documented at having better sharing options in some regards. But not for ios social circles.
Apple has made it very hard for an apple user to integrate with android, but very easy to realise you HAVE TO stay with iPhone if you want access to all those sharing features on your macbook/Ipad

But I'll be honest, one or two days to come to the conclusion that the galaxy s6 is full of lag and problematic, tbh, is laughable. The s6 is the most non laggy phone ever, it's absolute rocket fuel.
I would suggest in most cases to wipe the lot and reinstall, especially as there were problems during the iPhone content transfer, repeated attempts could have caused serious problems in the file system...
In most cases..
However in cases where you hear "my ipad" Or "my mac, macbook" there's very little point, as they will always need to go back to the iPhone to get usage across the board.
Message 38 of 42

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Great. That's just my opinion like it or not. Anyway I'm done with heated debates about apple and android. I don't really want to know anymore.
Message 39 of 42

Level 56: Guvnor
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So yours is the only valid opinion?
I offer an opinion and yet again you take serious offence to anyone who has a different point of view and chooses to voice it?
It's not a heated debate, at the moment it's a calm discussion regarding transition from ios to android, in fact the ONLY person insinuating it's heated is you.

Message 40 of 42