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What do you think of O2 4G so far

Level 28: Ingenious
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I know that there are lots of Topics of when I will be getting 4G etc, but I thought It would be interesting to see if people do like 4G?


So where i live, I can get 3G, if I walk 200 yards outside up the street I get 4G (From a Mast a couple of Miles away), but even though I cant get 4G in my house, I have however noticed that since 4G is some what in the area, other people must be using it as my 3G speeds have increased, not by much, but they have got better.


However my overall impression on O2 4G is very good. I have noticed more and more places getting 4G and some places now have 3G when they only had gprs.


The speed of the roll out is impressive too I have to say. 3G took for ever, infact I gave up on it, but 4G is rolling out much faster.


However I have come to notice that its very sporidic in areas, so for instance. one mast may get updated in the town and then the others are a couple months down the line.


Not sure how some places get it before others, I can only think that the backhaul to the mast is their and ready.


4G is patchy as well, its like a patchwork quilt lol. But it can only improve.


So some of my views,


Whats yours? Good or Bad

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Message 1 of 29

Level 94: Supreme
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Hi @darrengf 

I can't claim to have had much experience of constant 4G. It hasn't reached my town yet.

However, I have used it in Birmingham.... and yesterday I was in Coventry using it all day. I found the speeds of loading stuff pretty damn good

Funnily though, a lot of us had a discussion about 4g in Coventry and one guy claimed it was very patchy that if he moves out of his house a mile to another Coventry suburb, the 4G drops out and he isn't happy about it at all. (He has his own business in Coventry and can't get it there for instance)

So from what I heard...even in places that claim to have it....coverage ranges from excellent to patchy wink

By the way, this guy was actually with O2.... but had two other phones on EE and Vodaphone

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 2 of 29

Not applicable

Upto now (and its only gone on this week from home) I am delighted and did a speed comparison test against the land line where it was over 2 x faster on dowloads and much much faster on uploads. I had suspected this may be the case from experience in other areas.


A friend has been testing out the viability of replacing his landline with MiFi so when he is away he isnt paying landline rental on an unused service at home. Upto now findings have been 100% +ve.


Whilst my mobile phone is with O2, my MiFi is with 3 and it will be interesting to see how they fare when they get my area on 4g as I will certainly consider dropping the landline service.

Message 3 of 29

Not applicable
The idea of replacing home broadband (which for many may also mean dumping unused landlines which you are obligated to pay for) is, for me, EXTREMELY appealing if only the networks would give enough data allowance. They really could make a fortune if they had the network capacity.
Message 4 of 29

Not applicable
4g 3g would be nice to see first
Message 5 of 29

Not applicable
Hence the rollout. 4g currently also needs 3g to give a customer experience as 4g is data only and 3g provides the calls.
Message 6 of 29

Level 56: Guvnor
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It's alright yh.
Message 7 of 29

Level 94: Supreme
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@viridis wrote:
It's alright yh.

Such a man of few words... LOL

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 8 of 29

Level 94: Supreme
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Message 9 of 29

Level 7: Part Timer
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4G has great coverage and is fast, but because it uses the 800MHz frequency it really does suffer from congestion at peak times. Where i work we have 4g but always use 3g as 4g is too unreliable, and friends who live in different areas say the same

Message 10 of 29