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Trouble with mobile broadband bill help!!

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I bought mobile broardband for my daughter approx 8 months ago on a 24 month contract. The first bill came in at over £300!!! as they said she had gone over her limit. They did cancel that bill and since then all has been ok until this month. My daughter phoned me to say she had been disconnected so I called o2 CS to be told she had gone over by £459.00 !! I nearly had heart failure. Still I accepted my responsibilities and made arrangements to pay them under the debt management scheme and was told my credit rating would be affected.. 5 times I was assured the connection would not be re set until the bill was cleared.Last night my daughter called me to say she could connect to the internet. I went round and physically saw that she can. I also saw a message sent the day they disconnected her saying she had gone over her data allowence by £50 so they were disconecting her in order to stop her running up a higher bill. o2 cant give me a reason why she can access the internet I was told by CS that as far as they are concerned she is barred. More worrying is that it is clear from the O2 message that she was disconnected at £50 over yet they are insissting I owe £450 and my credit rating has been affected. Please help me. This whole thing has caused enormous family arguments, my daughter is barely speaking to me and I am not sleeping at the thought of owing this money. Further more as her billing date is the 17th of each month how could she have possibly gone through her limit AND £450 on top in 19 days.I need to sort this and I want to leave o2 as I no longer trust them.
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Drum... "no point in them carrying out an investigation as their billing system does not make mistakes"

Simple not true; O2 must be in denial!!!

I signed up whereby the first 3 months where at a reduced charge then rising to £15 an month - the 2 initial bills I received were at the highter rate.

Bill included a £100+ data charge which was not valid. Initial communications from O2 were adamant that the charge was valid and I must pay. O2 eventually capitulated and agreed the charge was wrong - but took (nay "stole") the money from my account anyway.

No apology yet (by email - which was promised to me last week) over their billing errors.

I've stalled my moneyclaim on line with O2 in their promise of apology and money return; but if not received this week then the claim will be submitted with the CEO's name as respondant.

Drum.. you may well owe the money and O2 should be bending over backwards to work with you to sort out the validity of the bill. You ask whether you should contact CEO and I've give you their email; well here is the head honcho email::: ####
Message 21 of 25

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Hi, this sounds similar to something that happened to me last year - I was on the £20 a month for 3GB of data tariff, and when my bill came, they had charged me £160! O2 say that they will send you a text message to your dongle when you are nearing the data allowance limit...but they generally don't.
Message 22 of 25

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I would like to thank everyone who advised me over this issue. A senior customer service officer has from O2 has been in touch and have sorted out the issues I raised. They answered all my questions and explained in lay mans terms what had happened. They very kindly and generously helped me with the bill and made arrangements with me where by I changed my tarrif to a more suitable one for my daughters needs and although this will cost me more monthly it will ensure I never get a bill like that again.They also said they will be talking to the call centre to right some of the wrong things they told me. i.e. The connection is secure and can not be hacked by my daughters neighbours, so I can stop glareing at them now !! and that their billing system, although good, can be wrong !! So my advice to anyone else who has this problem is to talk to a senior customer service officer, who will explain it all in plain english and they will help you.
To Sharon, O2,s online manager and the senior customer service officer who rang me yesterday, sorry I cant remember your name, Thank You.I can now sleep at nights and my daughter has been sufficantly appoligetic and with the new taffif in place I should have no further problems.
Message 23 of 25

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Marvelous news.
Message 24 of 25

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