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Smashed IPhone Screen O2 Insurance Excellent Service

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so 4 months ago i purchased my very first IPhone 6 on contract & i absolutely love the fone so last week it slipped out my hands & i cracked the screen this was on the thursday so i called o2 customer service who said the insurance line closed at 7:00pm but will open at 9:00am so the following friday morning i called them up & they were so helpful so i pay £8.50 a month for insurance & that covers me for any damages like broken screens etc so they wanted a briefe discription of what happened this is phase 1. so i told them i dropped my phone and cracked the screen the very helpful guy on the phone said thats perfectly ok dont panick as you have our newest insurance & are covered  so phase 2 was explaining to me that he will send a courier out to my address & collect my smashed iPhone and for a charge of £45 pound taken off my next monthly phone bill i can do a door swap were i hand my old fone over to the courier & get my new one their & then or i could pay £20 & wait 4 to 5 days on my replacement phone arriving so i said ok il pay the extra it was very easy & not stressful at all so phase 3. was  i had to do was disable the find my iphone & they send you an email showing you how to do it its very easy & the you take the sim card out & lastly reset the fone completely and back up anything u wanted to keep on icloud i went to an o2 shop because i didnt have a clue how to back anything up & they done it for me then after that i was told to put it in a padded envalope with the refference number that they give to you over the phone & in email & you write it on the front then that was it so the last phase was half an hour after the phonecall i get 2 emails one showing me how to disable the turn the find my iphone off d another sayig my insurance was approved then on the monday DPD courier come gave me my new phone i gave them my smashed one & she also got me to open a jiffy bag she gave me to put my phone in and that was it excellent service very impressed  

Message 1 of 12

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Hi @Butterflyxx and welcome to the community. What a refreshing change to read some good positive news grin


I'm pleased the process went well for you.

Message 2 of 12

Not applicable

If you're happy then i'm happy.


Someone explain to me why you have to cough up for delivery when you're paying a fee per month?

Message 3 of 12

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@Anonymous wrote:

If you're happy then i'm happy.


Someone explain to me why you have to cough up for delivery when you're paying a fee per month?

This is obviously something new for O2 Insure O2 insure.PNG


Though I wasn't aware screen damage was covered?

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 5 of 12

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I didn’t have to pay a delivery charge, nor an excess for that matter. slight_smile
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Message 6 of 12

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@MI5 wrote:
I didn’t have to pay a delivery charge, nor an excess for that matter. slight_smile

Why's that? Are you with a different insurance company? astonished

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 7 of 12

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It was the free screen replacement offer on my daughters iPhone.
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Message 8 of 12

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I'd forgotten that offer. Seems so long ago...Smiley Surprised

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 9 of 12

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Shame they don’t still offer it.
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 10 of 12