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Level 1: Joiner
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Ok, where to begin? Think I'll do this by number...

1. I was with EE but decided to switch to O2 at the start of June 2020 as coverage with EE was poor.

2. I wanted a 4G smart watch that would link to my number so I could use to make calls without my phone but decided before I bought one if O2 could provide this service.

3. O2 ask me what phone I have and what watch I'm buying and I told them I have a Samsung S9+ and was going to buy a Samsung Galaxy Watch.

4. O2 say "yes, this can be done, just call back when you get the watch and you get an eSIM which you swap for physical SIM and that it costs an extra £5 a month on your tariff".

5. I say, "Ok, sounds good, are you sure it will be the same number as my phone"? Answer, 'yes'! I take out contract". "Great"!

6. Physical SIM arrives and I swap from EE to O2 , not without issues!

7. Galaxy watch arrives so I call back O2 telling them what phone I have and that I think I need to change to eSIM and explain what I need to do so I can use the same number on watch as phone.

8. Person tells me that sounds right (I wasn't convinced they knew what they were talking about) and send me an eSIM.

9. I then do the swap procedure and call O2 to ask them how to activate same SIM on my watch.

10. I'm told it's not possible to do this with Samsung!!! What?! I've just spent £200 on a watch as I was told this is possible!!

Wait, it gets better....

11. I do the SIM swap (and knew I had to wait up to 24hrs for it to swap) but the Samsung Galaxy S9+ doesn't even support eSIMs!!!

12. Now I can't even make or receive calls on my phone.

You really couldn't write it but I'm glad I have!

Utterly shocking!
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If you had asked us here we could have told you all that and saved the pain......

I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 2 of 5

Level 77: Grand Master
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The O2 Community Forum: from the only avenue of support instantly available in the preceding 10 weeks, back to the afterthought... 😳

On the plus-side, up until end-June, the Change Your Mind policy is 30 days, not the usual 14 days - any help, @Gman?
Message 3 of 5

Level 1: Joiner
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I know, foolish of me to think that people would sell you something that actually worked! 😏😏😏😏
Message 4 of 5

Level 77: Grand Master
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