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Say Goodbye to Unlimited Data Tariffs

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Looks like O2 are going to follow AT&T's lead by getting rid of the Unlimited Data tariffs for smartphones and iPhones.

Doesn't even look like they're goig to do an unlimited data bolt on!

This could get very expensive!

Just found this on Which Website ... ffs-216692
Message 1 of 213
212 REPLIES 212

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According to Which

"The mobile giant says that that 97% of its smartphone customers use less than 500MB of mobile data per month, so the new usage caps should only affect 3% of new or upgrading customers on O2 smartphone tariffs. "

This might be true now, but with extra functionality such as iAd's and bigger and better apps, I suspect data usage will only increase. This will be especially true if Apple decide to allow "Face time" over 3G. But ofcourse, by then, O2 will have us all by the short and curly's.
Message 11 of 213

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agree, O2 can ram it on this one.
Message 12 of 213

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I agree, if you upgrade you will be making a bad choice. Stick with your tarrif and buy PAYG you get to keep you unlimited. Like the man said, they will only charge you later for making 3G calls. O2 you are slowly loosing my vote. You use to be my champ, but your fast becoming a chomp!
Message 13 of 213

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I'm very disappointed with the lack of an unlimited data plan. I would consider myself a heavy user of data via my iPhone. I also use it for tethering to my work PC and for accessing my laptop at home via the Interestingly, there is no mention of a tethering bolt on (currently 4 gigs for £10) in the newly announced tarrifs.

I was seriously considering upgrading early to the iPhone 4 as I bought my current 3G phone a couple of months before the 3GS was released so made some sense for the extra speed and functionality that the iPhone 4 offers over the older 3G model.

I think I'll just wait and see how things transpire.
Message 14 of 213

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What a joke, anyone who is net literate and uses it often will be well over that limit, I know I am.

No chance I'm upgrading to a iPhone 4 now and can't believe they are taking off me in October when it's what I signed up to.

Come that time I want unlimited data or my contract canceled.

Disgracefull, huge back step, people require data now.
Message 15 of 213

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o2 epic fail.

You used to be the best network now you have ended up like the rest of them. Nothing standout at all with you anymore.

You don't have the best 3g network and your nothing special. Time to leave I think.

Have you seen the increase in price for the 02 iphone simplicity tariff? Now an extra £5 a month for less data.

Message 16 of 213

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Yeah, it seems greed has taken over O2 folks. Before I went O2+iPhone I used T-Mobile 5 day unlimited Web pass on PAYG for as little as £2.50. If O2 take away my current tarrif on my 3G with unlimited data in October. I may go back to PAYG untill someone comes up with a better deal again.
Message 17 of 213

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This is a big pile of something that stinks from O2 (didnt want to swear but nearly did!).

500MB?? Are you taking the pi$$?. Look over on the Vodafone eForum at the stink caused by changing their data, at least Vodafone did something good,

Now if you go over 1GB you get charged £5 for 500mb extra but you get 1GB in the allowance.

500MB is a joke. So much for being the self claimed 'smartphone network'. Your 3G signal sucks, your data speed suck outside of top cities, even Vodafone have a better EDGE backup network than you do and you had a 3 year head start.

The only benefit of a iphone on O2 is Visual Voicemail but HulloMail is a free app on the App Store which does that on ANY network free and syncs with google.
Message 18 of 213

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O2 sucked me in as a customer because of the iphone. If they had come up with a fair tarrif they would have kept me for the foreseeable future. Now, I will stick with my current tarrif or if the iphone 4 tempts me, desert them.

What an own goal! They made massive inroads and extra connections which they are now going to erode rapidly. An unbelieveable commercial decision.
Message 19 of 213

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I agree EPIC FAIL They have reduced the iphone to a glorified ipod touch...

I used 2.4gb of data in the last month...

The iphone was sold to its customers on the preface that you can use it as much as you like for the internet and media, youtube etc. I will be cancelling my spotify when unlimited data is stopped as well... Now o2 are trying to change the whole selling point of the iphone by limiting it. way to compete now your not the only stockist... stupid...

02 signal is awful so why stay with them...

Say I never renewed my contract would I be able to keep unlimited data and just by a sim free iphone 4?
Message 20 of 213