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Not sure how/where to post this but just want it to be known i have had the most shambolic and incompetent service i can remember receiving from any company for a long time.
MANY MANY promised callbacks not made. messages left not replied to.
problem not solved. even a manager not even aware of terms on contract eg -thought cooling off period was 7 days not 7 working days.
complained through online system. promised call back 24-48 hours. 5 days later nothing. etc etc etc etc. would take 1 hour to write the whole story.
You can never get to speak to anyone who will actually take responsibility and do waht they say. seems to be job of everyone to stoip you speaking to anyone very senior - but they're probaly no better either.
I WILL NEVER EVER TOUCH O2 AGAIN oince this contract is up and i will spread the word to everyone i talk to.
could have been put right so easily. that's what's sad.
on 10-01-2013 18:49
I'm not 'having a whinge' I'm showing some empathy to the original post.
I did'nt put all my current issue on this post as it has already been posted elsewhere, and logged with customer services.
Toby is now helping directly but the original suggestion from him was to contact customer services again. ( reasons given in my post as why I did'nt want to do it).
Hey, well done! maybe you've hit one of the issues; why not brief customer services that people with issues aren't whinging, they just want a bit of help or alert o2 of an issue?
Hope this helps you.
on 10-01-2013 19:37
If I remember correctly your issue was with how a bonus allowance was issued but Toby contacted you before anybody could respond.
Have you had confirmation you will get the allowance? If you have then do not expect it to show up anyway as it is a put onto your account as a virtual allowance. You will use this allowance before your paid allowance kicks in.
on 10-01-2013 20:00
Hi steersy,
You are correct my issue is with the allowance.
At present no allowance has been generated.
Though I have recieved a text stating I am to be put on it, if your virtual allowance is correct then my pay as you go data amount should not of deminished; but it has. I'll keep an eye my allowance to see if it drops off; as if this 'invisible allowance' may of been added recently.
I've just checked on my wife's account and it is still showing her full pay as you data amount, I'll investigate this bit further.
Toby, has been helpful and very recently offered to take my case and get some action.
Thanks for the post
on 10-01-2013 20:25
The added data/minutes/texts on PAYG seems to come up a lot and people expect the allowance to show up which is doesn't.
If as you say you are seeing a decline in your paid allowance before you expect then the allowance has not been added correctly somewhere.
I will say had you allowed us the forum which is customer based then we may have been able to help and point you in the right direction.
There are some amazingly helpful and knowledgeable people on this forum that spend there personally time trying to help people just like yourself.
on 10-01-2013 20:34
It is nice to know that, but the customer service reps should be aware of these basic issues.
Information relating to the way the data allowance bonus is given should really be fully stated in your account page though.
The way the bonus data is provided is a bit like ' the emperor's new clothes' story though especially as you can't gauge it's use, almost a 'leap of faith'?
10-01-2013 20:44 - edited 10-01-2013 20:45
@Anonymous wrote:It is nice to know that, but the customer service reps should be aware of these basic issues.
Information relating to the way the data allowance bonus is given should really be fully stated in your account page though.
The way the bonus data is provided is a bit like ' the emperor's new clothes' story though especially as you can't gauge it's use, almost a 'leap of faith'?
I agree but it is free so I guess the cheapest way to give the allowance is by not having to account it visually to save on costs.
Trust me when I say you will not find a better forum (carrier wise) or better customer service when the chips are down. I admit sometimes they let themselves down with some of the smaller details and but it must be difficult to know every detail about every phone/tariff.
You seem a reasonable person so I am hoping you can appreciate what I have written.
on 10-01-2013 22:26
I can certainly see it does have some very committed people involved with the community boards.