12-07-2012 08:07 - edited 12-07-2012 09:56
12-07-2012 08:07 - edited 12-07-2012 09:56
O2 have a major outage. NEW source of info http://blog.o2.co.uk/home/network-updates/
The service status page here http://status.o2.co.uk when working has the information.
If you check your location it will more than likley say everything is working fine. That is because the cell site is working.
Further down the page it has planned and unexpected sections in the unexpected section you will see the major issue.
Note the message here from the service status page
Live Results for BA8
Also on the bbc just now o2 have advised that the advice on another thread http://community.o2.co.uk/t5/Discussions-Feedback/SOME-TRICKS-TO-OVERCOME-THE-CRASH/m-p/254759 to disable 3g will resolve the issue.
Also the issue is on the o2 homepage now.
I am just another customer but have not been affected.
This looks like a data center issue preventing your sim card to register on the o2 network.
on 12-07-2012 09:48
on 12-07-2012 09:48