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O2 network coverage not what they say it is!!!

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O2 say that at my address i should get excellent 3g coverage and voice calls etc. Well i get no 3g and i am able to make a call or text once in a blue moon. I live in Oakley just outside Basingstoke (not exactley the north pole) and nothing!!! I told o2 this and they said their system said everything should be fine and they would do nothing. I am very dissapointed in deed and will look to move provider when the time comes. £35 a month for nothing! Also alot of people i know sa that o2 network coverage seems to be getting worse? Anyone else get no signal when O2 say they should?
Cheers Donsparky
Message 1 of 13

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agree... i should get 3g but get one bar at best
no longer o2 - it's now no 2
Message 2 of 13

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Inside or outside? If inside, then 3G isn't guaranteed due to attenuation of building etc. Outside, your position relative to the transmitter will be critical.
Of course (and I'm being sincere here), is your phone capable of 3G and if so, have you tried using it in 2G only mode? If it works in 2G only then it does point to the position of the mast and also the capacity in your area.
Message 3 of 13

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I get what you are saying sheepdog but it makes no difference. I have the iPhone 3GS and o2 state via their coverage website and if you phone them or ask instore that I should have excellent 3G. This isn't the case whether indoors or out in my garden. Also the fact I can't even make calls or send texts suggests what they are saying is rubbish. If my position relative to a mast means I get nothing then O2 should know that and be honest, especially as they say it should all be great for me.
Message 4 of 13

Level 26: Upbeat
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Problem with the checking software it doesn't take into account the geographical factors so in fairness to the o2 employees, they can only say what the system tells them!
However, that still leaves you with a couple of options. First, log a call with the technical services about the problem and see what the investigation turns up. It could be that there is a problem with the local mast and potentially, you could have a way out of your contract if its not fixed within a specified timeframe. This is within the T+C's.
Now, I am curious here to how long this has been going on for. If this is a brand new contract then if you are within the first 14 days you are quite eligible to return it and cancel the contract. If its an upgrade then if you haven't moved during that time, you'll be out of luck but logging a call may help.
It doesn't rule out a fault with the iphone either so could you comment on if other phones/iphones have the same issue in your exact location?
Message 5 of 13

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I hear ya
I live in the town centre of my city of about 150k pop and i can barely get signal its just pathetic
Just switched to Vodafone yes not as good value for money but at least i can make a phone call.
Message 6 of 13

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my problem is in my house. i get a reasable signal out side but in the house its total rubbish. none or very little signal. but aparently its not o2s problem as the signal to the outside of the house is ok. but 3network and vodaphone network work find 😞 when paying a contract. and having to buy a wifi router just to be able to use it properly is a bit rubbish. does any one else have this kind of problem ??
Message 7 of 13

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I have a wifi router great so my iPhone is like a mini laptop. But in the house I can't make calls or send receive texts. Vodafone is fine as is orange. Even outside my house everywhere in the village where supposedly we have 3G at best I get 2 bars. O2 just need to be honest or live up to what they promise. Surely this is simple good business practice not to mislead your customers!!!
Message 8 of 13

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@ donsparky
I tottally agree with you. In fact Im shocked at o2 network. In Northern Ireland we have very little sold 3g coverge it goes from 3g to Edge to GPRS at weekend or busy times the network fails more oftern than not.

I went to Edinburgh in March the same applied there, ever took the train to Newcastle, still no better. Its for that reason I went to three and I am about to cancell by O2 blackberry to move it to three. I find it had to understand that o2 one of the first UK networks lag so far behind on coverage esp 3g type I hear all talk about 900 3g rolling out for mr, It would be nice if o2 raun out 3g coverage years ago
Message 9 of 13

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It can vary from phone to phone as well. Sitting next to friends also on O2 and our phones can show very different signal strengths. I find if I set my network to pick up 2G only then it gives a much, much steadier signal strength than 3G which seems to constantly waver.
Message 10 of 13