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O2 mislead me. How can I get my replacement phone?

Not applicable
My insure claim has been declined. I have tried my very very best to call customer service & insure premium team but it was so hard and difficult to reach them. My timing to call in is always busy and no one answer me. So, it caused me to make my claim after 48 hours I lost the phone. Because of my claim made after 48 hours, my claim has been declined and I could not get my replacement phone.
Besides, one of the O2 live chat member told me that they will issue me a new sim card and advised me to call O2 insure after I get the sim card. After I get the new sim card means it's over 48 hours I lost my phone. That is mislead me and cause me can't claim a replacement phone.
Message 1 of 16

Not applicable
There's nothing you can do.
It seems you knew already that you need to make the claim within 48 hours because you were attempting to call them.
You should have had the patience to wait on the line for you call to be answered or, if you'd called after insurance had closed, rang back at the correct time.
Message 2 of 16

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Actually I do not know I need to make the claim within the 48 hours. But I still try to call the next day I lost my phone. No one pick up my phone although I called many times.
Is it my fault that make the phone cannot be claim? i really need my phone back. That's my new phone.
Message 3 of 16

Not applicable

You have my sympathies. It is a rip-off condition in my opinion.

Do you have a transcript of the online chat conversation? If not, is it obtainable I wonder? is not like you to be so dismissive of somebody. You failed to mention the error of your colleague's advice. Does O2 advise people, as a matter of course, that they have to report in 48hrs, when they ring to "stop" their SIM? If not then perhaps you can suggest it!!
A sibling of mine, until recently, worked at Board level of Marsh, the former broker for O2 Insurance. I am well informed and we are in agreeance that this is just another claims reducer.

You have my sympathy Vicky and I am sure most people on these boards will feel the same. Personally, I would obtain the name and postal address of the Managing Director of the insurance company involved. I would inform him or her that your claim wa delayed as a result of being poorly advised by an O2 Customer Services Advisor. In any event, the delay has not financially disadvantaged them in any way, despite it being a term and condition of the Policy.
The claims advisers are often briefed to try and put you off your claim. Dig in and fight!

Good luck.

Message 4 of 16

Not applicable

You have my sympathies. It is a rip-off condition in my opinion.

Do you have a transcript of the online chat conversation? If not, is it obtainable I wonder? is not like you to be so dismissive of somebody. You failed to mention the error of your colleague's advice. Does O2 advise people, as a matter of course, that they have to report in 48hrs, when they ring to "stop" their SIM? If not then perhaps you can suggest it!!
A sibling of mine, until recently, worked at Board level of Marsh, the former broker for O2 Insurance. I am well informed and we are in agreeance that this is just another claims reducer.

You have my sympathy Vicky and I am sure most people on these boards will feel the same. Personally, I would obtain the name and postal address of the Managing Director of the insurance company involved. I would inform him or her that your claim wa delayed as a result of being poorly advised by an O2 Customer Services Advisor. In any event, the delay has not financially disadvantaged them in any way, despite it being a term and condition of the Policy.
The claims advisers are often briefed to try and put you off your claim. Dig in and fight!

Good luck.


If you call customer services to report a phone lost/stolen and there is insurance on the account then they'll usually begin the process of getting you through to the insurance team without the customer even mentioning it, you'd be surprised how many customers forget they have insurance.
The reason I'm being somewhat dismissive is I'm very wary of 'incidents' such as this, it's all too convenient that they tried to call but couldn't get through and that apparently a chat agent gave them totally crazy advice. How to make a claim is set out very plainly in the terms and conditions sent out to a customer on commencement of the policy and that are also available online.
Message 5 of 16

Not applicable
If you have lost a brand new phone - one would think you would have made an effort to make that claim as soon as possible.
While I agree that the insurance company have some pretty silly terms; unfortunately there is nothing you can do to change the situation you find yourself in.
In future ensure you are aware of the terms and conditions you sign for when you take out a product or service to prevent such things from happening again.
Message 6 of 16

Not applicable
If you have house insurance then check the t&c to see if your covered.
If not get covered and drop 02's poor excuse for what they call insurance.
Message 7 of 16

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Thanks for your advises. I am really upset that because of these kind of policies they declined my claim. I felt this policy is so ridiculous. I can't believe that 48 hours cause things change. I felt innocent in this case. Everytime, I called to customer service operators, they transferred my call to insurance team or gave me the number and asked me to call them back.
I just feel like customer service did not help me lots and misled me sometimes. Wait for their confirmation is really taking long time.
Anyways, Thanks again for your valuable advises. Have a good day.
Message 8 of 16

Not applicable
Hang on.........?
"Everytime, I called to customer service operators, they transferred my call to insurance team or gave me the number and asked me to call them back"
that is exactly what they are supposed to do. And you are supposed to stay on the line, or make the call. So, why are they at fault here?
I have my own views on o2 insure, but I fail to see why you think cs let you down.
Message 9 of 16

Not applicable
Do you know how is the feeling that you have been hold on the line for long time and the phone call is charging. 10 pence per minute. It might be cheap for you, BUT NOT for me. They can just transfer the line and no one answer. I have been hold for 15 minutes.
Besides, i do not know why the number they gave I could not call in. So, is that my fault? My fault to make the claim failed?
I am not blaming anyone. Just want to mention that I have called in but no one answer, so that delay my claim. BUT I do not know the 48 hours policy and that is not a point to decline my claim.
Message 10 of 16