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O2 have ported my number onto someone elses

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I currently work for O2 and i’ve never had problems. But just recently i got a PAC code from another network to replace one of the numbers on my account that someone else uses.

So called o2 customer service, done all the normal process as you would do when porting a number. Then got a text saying it will be done on the 07/02/18.

So this is where it gets difficult, i go to text and ring the number after numours times of switching it on and off and a guy answers saying o2 have apparently porting this number onto his number? He said he had been in touch with o2 and they are resloving the matter.

So i also ring o2 customer service to complain, as this number is used by my grandmother who expects calls from the hospital for her appointments, so it is vital that she has the number.

But o2 said they are going to have to manually do it, an atempts have been made but apparently its been logged for the back office to resolve?

So after ringing up a number of times for them to fob me off, an tell me they can’t make it a prority as they can only ‘email the back office’ to look into it, is very un professional considering i work for company as well?.

Has this happened to anyone else? How quick does it get resolved?
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You would hope they get onto it pretty quickly, but you know O2 I'm sure and it could take forever unless someone takes ownership and sees it through.
Pretty much a rookie mistake but that's not uncommon either!
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Hey @Anonymous, how are you doing this week, any progress with the porting issue?

Message 3 of 3