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O2 bail out of pop3 e-mail services and marketing

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Re: O2 to close e-mail service in June 2016


I have tried to speak/e-mail O2 direct, however, it is an impossible task, you only get automated, none question answering response systems or a 'chat' advisor that who is just reading from a prepared crib sheet.

When O2 sold their broadband to Sky and transferred its broadband customers, it was promised that the o2 e-mail accounts would be preserved and supported.  I have an O2 mobile phone account and e-mail.  If O2 break there promise to preserve the SMPT pop 3 e-mail service... then I shall end my account with O2 altogether.  O2 will have lost a customer. 

How can a supposedly major world networking company like O2 not maintain an e-mail facility!  E-mailing is not yet obsolete in this age of texting, Skype and social media.  For serious communications and forum feedback it is still the preferred medium.  O2 is making a BIG mistake by dropping it's e-mail servers.  For gawds sake how much investment and man-power does it take to maintain an SMPT pop 3 server.  If O2 is that hard up for money and resources it must be close to being on its knee's. 

Think of the advertising coverage that you are losing by not having your 'O2' brand logo on millions of e-mails networking the world!  Perhaps you should be asking your marketing people before you pull the plug on the O2 e-mail, the cost of maintaining it must be nominal, the returns in advertising and company presence is priceless... let alone as a doorway for people to sign up to a 4G O2 phone contract.   Certainly Microsoft (Hotmail/Outlook), Google (Gmail) and Yahoo are spreading their brand name by encouraging users to sign up with branded web-based e-mail accounts.

Possibly O2 have the wrong people making these decisions... I know if I was head of O2 marketing I would be spitting nails at such a proposal to diminish the O2 profile.



On 09-Mar-16 5:21 PM, O2 wrote:


O2 closing down e-mail serves for its cusomers on June 7th 2016

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Well if the servers have closed there's no point telling someone how to get stuff off them.
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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@MI5 wrote:
Well if the servers have closed there's no point telling someone how to get stuff off them.


Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 22 of 28

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Everyone on their own now!
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 23 of 28

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OK, well... after the last 'final warning' a few months back when O2 just cut the service off I have since transferred all my important stuff to another e-mail client.  I only have junk mail contacts on the O2 e-mail service now... so good riddance to it as it dissapears down a black hole. 


I am old school... I don't use my mob for the internet (like looking into a room through a keyhole), I use a 27" widescreen  4K screen and PC, I don't use skype etc. I rarely use a mob for texting or e-mails! My mob is just used for mobile phone calls... I find it useless for anything else, and refuse to sit like a phone zombie, espeacilly in company, with my nose buried in a mobile phone while the real world is passing by!  Wake up and smell the roses all you phone zombies slight_smile


Funny enough... I am still receiving e-mails on my O2 SMPT pop3 account from this O2 forum server, but nothing else. Aghhhh, rant over and its time to take my pills...

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I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 25 of 28

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@Anonymous .....I'm old school also, phones are for voice calls, nothing else.


Forced transfer to Sky broadband in February 2014 like you but I had 2 emails at the time to warn me that O2 webmail would close so I dumped it there and then.

"My life is a facsimile of a sham"
Message 26 of 28

Not applicable

Just goes to prove you should never get and rely on a service from a company where that service is not a core part of their business.  Changing e-mail addresses is a major pain in the back side because of the prevalant use of e-mail addresses as logins on other sites most of which have no way for you to change your registered e-mail address.

Message 27 of 28

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@Anonymous wrote:


Just goes to prove you should never get and rely on a service

Yes that part is true.........who thought BHS, Woolworth, Citylink, Phones4U, Rolls Royce would go under........the list is endless.

"My life is a facsimile of a sham"
Message 28 of 28