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O2 Repar, Damaged theri end! HELP?

Not applicable



I sent my Nokia Lumia 930 in for repair as after the windows 10 update the phone rebooted and just got stuck in a boot loop of turning its self on and off.


after waiting 2 weeks i contacted them to ask what was happening with my phone they said they have sent it to nokia for repair and Nokia have sent it back and as soon as they recive it they will post it back to me and i can expect it to affive on wednesday the 11th (yesterday) the phone didnt arrive so today i called them only to be told they have a quotation to repir my screen?? (How can it be on its way to me one miniuet and then a broken screen the next??) i told them there was nothing wrong with my screen and they must have the wrong phone details but they are adament that my screen is broken and its not coverd under warranty.


I know 100% that they phone was fine when i sent it to them and i more than enough made sure that the packaging was fine so i dount it got damaged on the way to them, they said after reciving the phone they sent iot to nokia to be fixed so im guessing that it got damaged then somehow? 


But to make things worse they want £230 to fix my screen!!?? Thats more than what the phone costs to buy new!


I have said i refuse to pay for damage that i didnt do and i also refuse to execpt my phone back with damage that wasnt there when i sent it to them.


What rights do i have and what can i do about this horrible situation im in?


Thanks in advance.

Message 1 of 37

Level 56: Guvnor
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The adhesive to digitizer from the display won't be loose,not a chance. at most they are talking about the main display adhesive and as said that's pence.
Message 31 of 37

Not applicable

Anovo keep changing which part of the phone is supposed to be broken


total Cowboys in all honestj

Message 32 of 37

Not applicable



Ok guys after trading standards and the ombudsmen got involved I got in touch with a guy  in executive relations:


He offered to send me a refurbed phone and £40 off my bill and they would keep my old phone, which I gladly accepted!


Now some numb nut at Anovo has made a massive ****** up and accidently sent my old back to as well,


And surprise surprise guess what has no damage to the screen??....that’s right folks my screen has no damage to it at all!!


Anovo are running a racket and claiming for damage that does not exist!!


Trading standards are investigating further...


Message 33 of 37

Level 32: Blockbuster         
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At last Trading Standards are on to their racket.
"My life is a facsimile of a sham"
Message 34 of 37

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Good news about trading standards @Anonymous Please keep us updated Cat

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 35 of 37

Level 94: Supreme
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We never expected there would be any damage wink
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Message 36 of 37

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Sorry to hear about your troubles here @Anonymous and let me know if you're awaiting a response from us that I need to ask for an update on for you.

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Message 37 of 37