O2 Repar, Damaged theri end! HELP?

on 12-05-2016 19:00
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on 12-05-2016 19:00
I sent my Nokia Lumia 930 in for repair as after the windows 10 update the phone rebooted and just got stuck in a boot loop of turning its self on and off.
after waiting 2 weeks i contacted them to ask what was happening with my phone they said they have sent it to nokia for repair and Nokia have sent it back and as soon as they recive it they will post it back to me and i can expect it to affive on wednesday the 11th (yesterday) the phone didnt arrive so today i called them only to be told they have a quotation to repir my screen?? (How can it be on its way to me one miniuet and then a broken screen the next??) i told them there was nothing wrong with my screen and they must have the wrong phone details but they are adament that my screen is broken and its not coverd under warranty.
I know 100% that they phone was fine when i sent it to them and i more than enough made sure that the packaging was fine so i dount it got damaged on the way to them, they said after reciving the phone they sent iot to nokia to be fixed so im guessing that it got damaged then somehow?
But to make things worse they want £230 to fix my screen!!?? Thats more than what the phone costs to buy new!
I have said i refuse to pay for damage that i didnt do and i also refuse to execpt my phone back with damage that wasnt there when i sent it to them.
What rights do i have and what can i do about this horrible situation im in?
Thanks in advance.
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on 12-05-2016 19:45
Also sorry for all the spelling mistakes i am dislexic and i type way faster than my brain can think lmao!
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on 12-05-2016 19:51
That's what I did.....
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on 12-05-2016 19:56
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on 12-05-2016 19:56
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on 12-05-2016 19:56
@Anonymous wrote:Also sorry for all the spelling mistakes i am dislexic and i type way faster than my brain can think lmao!
Hey @Anonymous no worries about your dyslexia at all. You are doing just fine.
Getting your phone sorted is our priority. Once you get the phone back (and you know the condition it was in) then follow the complaints link as given previously.
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on 12-05-2016 19:58
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on 12-05-2016 19:58
I can see on the surface it doesn't look good, and the way it's been handled has certainly been a poor experience for you. From that one short phone call you probably (and quite reasonably) have an image in your mind of the screen smashed to pieces, knowing that you weren't the one responsible. There are quite a few other possibilities though, and to be honest, some of them are a lot more likely:
- Damage to the screen does not necessarily mean damage to the glass, it could also refer to the light-emitting display underneath. Diagnostic tests could have shown non-manufacturing faults with this, that may not have been apparent from normal use, and that may not be covered under warranty;
- The Advisor has access to limited information from the repair agency and may have misinterpreted their findings, there could be another problem entirely with the device that isn't covered under warranty.
- A processing error somewhere down the line, inappropriately assigning a quote to your repair in error, or assigning the wrong category of chargable repair.
The only way to know for sure is to receive the phone, examine it, and read the engineers report, at which point all of this may be moot.
If it turns out there is damage to the handset, the process would be a complain to customer services, escalated to the complaint review service within O2, escalated to the ombudsman, and escalated to small claims court (although in all liklihood it would be resolved by the review service or ombudsman long before this).
None of this is an excuse by the way - you shouldn't be in this position, I just thought I'd share some more likely alternatives from my own experiences that would hopefully bring some peace of mind.
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on 12-05-2016 20:03
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on 12-05-2016 20:03
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on 12-05-2016 20:05
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on 12-05-2016 20:29
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on 12-05-2016 20:32
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on 12-05-2016 20:51
I cant see how they can even justify £230 to fix the screen anyhow!? thats a ridiculus price to fix the screen, i mean i could buy one on ebay for £50 and im sure with o2/anovo buying power they are paying farless than that, and i know its a differnt phone but i fixed my own samsung s3 screen and it took me about 2 hrs so im guessing it would take them with all their tools and knowlege about an hour!
il see what the complaints team have to say about exactly what the damage is when they investigate.
Il keep you all posted on what the outcome is!
Thanks for all your guys help so far!