on 12-03-2024 11:56
Thank you O2 for listening and actioning on me being mis-sold an O2 Bolt on for India ....when India is not on the list of viable countries. I was with my young daughter travelling in India and the £6 per day max charge bolton did not work and I wracked up huge mobile charges. I phoned O2 from India to find out what was going on and was told that I should not have been sold such a Bolt-on. This left me exposed when travelling trying to order an Uber to get about or check the maps for locations etc. Not everywhere had wifi so it became a real problem and dangerous at night whilst travelling with a young child. O2 raised a complaint and this problem was resolved with understanding by the O2 team. Thank You!
on 12-03-2024 12:02
on 12-03-2024 12:02
on 12-03-2024 19:27
on 13-03-2024 09:37
Thanks @Oxonian
@Smorea So i can feed this back, can you please drop me a PM with your mobile number and the date/time you contacted us to get this resolved?