on 20-07-2018 21:04
I downloaded 3G Watchdog that @gmarkj mentioned and it's been brilliant.
However, here's where it gets interesting. According to 3G Watchdog I've used just over 80% of my data. While I've had a text from O2 to tell me I've used 80% of my mobile wifi, I've had no text from O2 to tell me I've used 80% of my mobile data.
So, has the system failed again? And what would have happened if I hadn't downloaded 3G Watchdog, because my phone is showing data usage at a much lower level, much lower?
Interesting, yes!
on 20-07-2018 21:09
on 20-07-2018 21:20
on 20-07-2018 21:20
Never heard of mobile WiFi before unless it’s some kind of mobile broadband dongle
on 20-07-2018 21:23
on 20-07-2018 21:26
on 20-07-2018 21:26
on 20-07-2018 21:28
on 20-07-2018 21:28
I have also downloaded 3G Watchdog and find it pretty accurate.
The one thing I don't like about it is the orange banner across the middle of it which states
"Urgent Action Required. Please Click here"
There is no urgent action required. My data is only one third used and my bill is due in 3 days.
So, I won't be 'clicking here'
Veritas Numquam Perit
on 20-07-2018 21:37
on 20-07-2018 21:39
on 20-07-2018 21:39
on 20-07-2018 21:59
on 21-07-2018 09:06