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NO DATA and more

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I have been with O2 for very long time - probably since it started trading in UK...

In June last year (2014) I changed my tariff - Although I did not have 4G enabled phone I went for 4G tarrif as I anticipated to upgrade to Iphone 6 when available


when the tariff switch took place I completely lost access to internet - no 2G, no 3G, no gprs, no E....


Obviously I contacted helpdesk and that was extreemely painful experience - everytime i called, I was taken through the same checklist... check my network settings... reset my phone ... restart my phone... I was sent no less than 4 new sim cards and the best advice was to pay upfront and send my phone fo repair.. because according to guru with the name Elvis my phone was broken.  Thankfully I refused to do that, mainly because when I used my son's SIM card in my phone - alll was working fine = i knew there was something wrong with my account. 


This was going on for the best part of 2 weeks.  Towards the end I really wanted to leave o2 - but tried one more time to talk to somebody senior in their customer services.  After many unsuccessfull atempts I got through to a lovely chap called Joe Green (or something like that) who said " I have been here for very long time and I know where to look " - in less than 2 minutes I had 3G and the life was wonderfull again - I really should have complained then but I was just so happy ...


... until I changed my phone to Iphone 6.  Initially all was fine, I had 3G signal.... only when i travelled to London over Christmas I realized that my son who has identical phone and  is on identical tariff, has good 4G signal nearly everywhere while I only had 3G. I called the helpdesk again. I was told that there is some mismatch between "front and back office" and that it will take five working days to fix.  well I waited 3 weeks, made multiple trips to London and had no luck with 4G. 


.... so i called the helpdesk again... this time i was told that somebody "was tinkering with my account" and not everything is as it should be blah blah blah... and that they would disconnect and then connect my account again and all will be great.  Well it isn't .... I dont have DATA again, nothing not even 2G....


.... so I called the helpdesk again... this time I was told to wait another 5 working days due to "provisioning issue".


Well Mr.O2 - I have been paying for one of your most expensive tariffs for a very long time while I was getting very substandard service - I am planning to do everything I can to get my money back...



Am I alone with these type of issue, what is this provisioning issue, will it fix my problem ... or should I just get the PAC code and go someplace else?


thank you for your advice

Message 1 of 22

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It's most unusual but it does happen from time to time.
You can try CS again and hope you get someone who can help you or send a PM to Toby (our coordinator).
As a last resort, go to complaints but that could take upto 2 weeks to get a reply from them.
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Message 2 of 22

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What an experience 😄

Wait the timeframe. They've advised to see if this resolves is the best course of action. Check your Input your Full Post Code here to check your local Masts -> {If a mast shows an issue a customer can now ask Customer Services to keep them updated on its Status via Text or eMail} too to see if your masts are ok.

For the times you were without connection I would ask for a goodwill gesture due to the issue being the account / SIM card and not your phone. If they say no ring back and ask another agent. If it's a no again then try

If you ask for a pac code this will end your O2 contract when the alternative network uses the code. Any fees owing for closing the account , if any, will be payable. Pac code help here
Message 3 of 22

Not applicable
Just a thought but on your iPhone try :

Settings - General - Reset - Reset Network Settings.

Also Settings - General -About - to see if as Carrier Update is waiting.
Message 4 of 22

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Another sim works fine in the phone - There is nothing wrong with masts or phone.
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 5 of 22

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All I've asked is for the op to make doubly sure.
Message 6 of 22

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This seems to be a definite account issue and perhaps @Anonymous can give some insight into the problem.

What exactly is showing in My O2 and what bolt ons does it say you have?

Message 7 of 22

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The OP is sure or else why state it in the post ?
"Thankfully I refused to do that, mainly because when I used my son's SIM card in my phone - all was working fine = i knew there was something wrong with my account. "
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 8 of 22

Not applicable

Thanks to everybody who commented/replied


regarding resets - well I keep doing those on a regular basis in the hope that the magic 3G or 4G (even gprs would do at the moment) comes up on my phone 🙂


while there is some maintanence on going on the mast in my neighbourhood - I do travel a lot and I have no access to data anywhere


finally - as far as I can tell tell everything thats on myO2 seems fine - that's what the shop tells me too (and before you ask - I do pay my substantial bills on time :-))


.... there appears to be this misterious "front office - back office" mismatch which only few CS gurus can see but cant do anything to fix it....



Message 9 of 22

Level 94: Supreme
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We do find that some CS staff are better than others at fixing issues so unfortunately it is just a case of you keeping on trying until you get a good one - It's poor service, but I can't see any other way 😞
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 10 of 22