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My Opinion On This Forum

Level 23: Casual Specs
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Hi all,


I've been on this forum for a few months.  I joined this community originally just to get advice about an issue that I had with my iPhone.  I never had any intention of staying on here.  I was one of those 'one off' people who disappear once they got their issue solved (now I am a more active member, I realise how annoying that is now).  However, I started reading different threads and it was interesting to see the level of knowledge some users had.  Also, in the off-thread section, it was nice to see members getting on and chatting more freely.


After a few days I suddenly saw myself getting slightly addicted to this forum.  I would (and still do) log on everyday, even if it is just to see what other people have said.  It feels a bit like school.  I learn every day.  I have been on the forum a few months and although I still only feel confident being a kind of basic level, I feel that I have learned a lot already!


In the beginning (and still a bit now but I am trying my best) I did post a lot of random things, sometimes not helpful and sometimes wrong information.  To be honest, I didn't take this forum seriously at first.  I thought I could post what I want and I had a 'the rules are meant to be broken' attitude.  However, now when I stand back and look outside the box, I realise how important this site is.  Not just for accuracy of information (although that is important), but it is the members who gather together that help make it the forum that it is.  Everybody contributes in their own way.  Everyone has their own opinion and everyone has their area of expertise (mine is just the off-topic section at the moment).  Some members may agree with a thread, some members may disagree on a thread, all opinions are welcome (as long as they are written in proper manner).


I really enjoy using this site, even though I have threatened to leave on 2 occasions due to falling out.  This site is formal (with rules/guidelines) yet it is also laid back.  The big people (high up not large lol) Chiara and Toby are extremely helpful and very approachable compared to the people who run other forums that I have been on.  Some other forums are too strict, some are too laid back, and some have people who take over a week to respond to a PM and even then they only send a general reply which is no help at all and very frustrating.


All forums have their flaws and their 'growing pains' and they evolve to become bigger and better.  I feel like this forum is a bit like a family, we are similar in many ways, yet we are very different too.  We get on well with eachother, and we fall out, but we wave the white flag, apologise and move on.  Think of Chiara and Toby as our parents - they look out for us and they intervene when we are not being good. 


I am not being bias and saying that everything is perfect and hunky dory.  I am merely saying that it's not the worst forum in the world and if all of the members work together with one aim, then things can improve and more members will want to join in and help others. 


I am only one member but I am just giving my opinion.  Some members may agree with me, some members may disagree with me, but I hope that all members will respect me slight_smile


Mexican Wave

Message 1 of 21

Not applicable
Happy days.

Message 2 of 21

Level 94: Supreme
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Good post Gemz.


We need to remember we are all individual folk, coming from differing backgrounds and knowledge base. Just as our need for being involved in a forum will be individual to us.

I personally come here to learn from the experts. I don't often need to post questions as scrolling through various threads and reading answers given, suits my 'technical needs'..

However there are others (probably like yourself) much younger than me, who want to learn as much as you can about all things 'mobile' Smiley LOL


As I have said before I am comfortable being 'me' on this forum. I may be technophobic but can hold my own in many other areas of expertise.


I also feel that whatever your are never too old to learn.


I often say to my sons... 'Hey ho.. every day is a school day for me!' Cat


Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 3 of 21

Level 69: Guiding Light
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I'm not sure of the concept that Toby and Chiara are our parents! Confused

To support Disasters Emergency Committee: text Nepal to 70000 to send £5

Sky Unlimited Broadband - Windows 10 - Nexus 4 Android 5.1.1
Message 4 of 21

Not applicable
This is an excellent post from Gemz4the1 and should hopefully be thought provoking for us all. It is well written, thoughtful but perhaps most importantly it is constructive with the aim to improve the Community for us all.

Gemz4the1 is right, we have different opinions, different levels of expertise and we all came on here and are on here for different reasons.

Like Gemz4the1 I had on a couple of occasions decided to step away from the Community for different reasons. However positive private PM comments from several users persuaded me to stay on (you know who you are 😃) hence my continual involvement and yes @Toby and @Chiara are awesome.

This Community is fundamentally strong. We as members need to work together to make it even better. We must accept differences of opinion but we should keep those away from the public domain. I myself when not sure of an answer recently choose to PM a more experienced member for guidance before posting back to the public forum.

Guys n Gals Let's make this work. Gemz4the1 has kickstarted the debate in a positive and constructive way. Please join her and make this forum work.
Message 5 of 21

Level 94: Supreme
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@perksie wrote:

I'm not sure of the concept that Toby and Chiara are our parents in any sense! Confused

Maybe not for us Perksie...but Gemz is a lot younger than us two....Smiley Mad

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 6 of 21

Level 69: Guiding Light
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Just my feeble attempt at being funny! Smiley Embarassed


It's a good article and well written Gemz. slight_smile

To support Disasters Emergency Committee: text Nepal to 70000 to send £5

Sky Unlimited Broadband - Windows 10 - Nexus 4 Android 5.1.1
Message 7 of 21

Not applicable

A good post.  I really enjoy this forum and have had a lot of help and advice.  Whether I stay with O2 or move on I will continue to post as there is generally a friendly, positive atmosphere.

Message 8 of 21

Not applicable
You better Tracey !! slight_smile
Message 9 of 21

Level 23: Casual Specs
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Oops sorry I pressed the wrong button on iPad and pressed accept as solution instead. We need a new feature so that we can confirm things so when chubby-fingered people like myself press the wrong button, we can undo it.

Thank you for the positive responses.

Tracey you're not allowed to go anywhere!

And yes I'm young-ish (26 on Wednesday) so Chiara and Toby are like my parents - or grandparents - whichever they prefer to be called lol
Message 10 of 21