on 31-07-2024 08:42
I see trouble ahead mybe @japitts will comment
on 31-07-2024 13:19
that is why o2 has the slowest roll out of 5g out of the major mobile networks ?
on 31-07-2024 16:51
It's an interesting one - landlord disputes are nothing new, and this isn't so much a 5G-thing (contrary to the popular press) as an increase-in-site-rollout thing.
5G itself doesn't need more sites, but increased data usage requires capacity adds to existing sites, as well as increased site density. Planning refusals and landlord issues are possibly two of the more awkward issues that every MNO grapples with.
O2's speed of 5G rollout is a separate issue.
on 01-08-2024 16:35
planning system needs to change so phone masts can't be blocked by people who complain about them for no reason
on 01-08-2024 17:59
on 01-08-2024 17:59
@bhaskarsamani - the whole purpose of the planning system is to ensure all are in agreement about any mast location.
Now delays in responses to planning requests by local authorities, well - that's a different matter.