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I love O2 customer service its the whole reason I'm with O2

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Now before I crack on with this I would like to say from the get go that this post is a long one- stick with it-  and is for amusement only as I thought I would share a recent experience, that has been sorted (as you will see) and of course my tongue was very firmly planted in my cheek when I came up with the title to this post.


So..... At the end ov Nov. 2017 I changed my bank account and rather than use the DD Switch service offered by the banks, I changed my DD's Manually (including my O2 ones).

As this change was right at bill payment time I called in on the due day to C.S to pay my bill by card and give them the new DD details. Now.. I called in on the due day and paid as I have said and all was good. Jump to the end of DEC. I actually checked my bill(don't normally as they are always consistantly around the same) and to my suprise the DD O2 was about to take was exactly twice the amount it should have been!


So of course my next course of action was a call to C.S and this is where it all goes pear shaped.


I was told that the amount was twice what it should be as I missed my November contractual payment.


"no I didnt" says I "yes you did" says CS, "No i didn't" say.. oh you get the picture!.


This back and forth went on for a short while until the C.S agent confirmed that I had made a payment and she could see it. Great I said then Ill pay the correct amount now by card and re set my DD(i'd cancelled them as they were going to take an incorrect amount) "Ah no you cant do that becuase the payment you made has gone against your devices as an additional payment not your contractual payment"(forgot to say this is about my device payments) 


Well that's not correct I said as I made it very clear to the agent when I called in what I was paying, what for and why and he took my payment on that basis.


"Well there is nothing I can do you'll havet pay the double amount"


Now at this point I am fed up and getting a little irked so in a firm but polite tone informed the C.S agent to put her manager on, who was sitting next to her telling her what to say(I could hear him).


On came her manager who said the same thing but eventually after much non movement on my part(now a matter of principle not money) agreed to give me a credit equal to 1 month device payments and refund that money to my bank. Im happier with that as it then means that although I'm still paying double I'm getting 1 month back so all square in real terms.


Im happy with this but asked to be put through to complaints as the whole issue should never have arisen anyway and I wanted to make that point, not to compalin about him.


When I got through to complaints the lady I spoke to put me on hold for 1 minute came back on and told me that it had all been sorted and she had allocated my Nov payment correctly.


Job done I'm amazed by this as according to C.S this couldnt be done....!.


I confirmed with her that my refund was still gong to be done and she said it was and the money would be in my account within 7 days.


7 days came no refund. Got on to customer service who said it had been done but not until 5 days later when I called in to confirm thay had the correct bank details. so waited again still no refund.

Eventuially after the 3rd attempt got to speak to a helpful person in C.S who gave the correct information and my refund arrived a few days later.(15 days after it was supposed to have been done).


To cap it all I also recieved a total of 5 yes 5 default notices tellng my I was behind with my payments.


when I called in I was told that it was because they had given me money back and it had put my account techinially in arrears until the next bill but not to worry!


My fundamental issues here are these


1) All because the original C.S agent I spoke to in November failed to tell me not to pay on the due date as O2's system thought I had already paid, as they had not received notice from my bank that the DD's had been cancelled, my payment was put on as an extra payment not contractual. I should have been told this


2) I was given several pieces of let's say misinformation as to when my refund had been proceessed.


3) I was told by C.S that my payments in Novemeber couldn't be credited as my contractual payment- wrong!


4) I was sent 5 default notices when I was and am completely up to date.


5) I complained to the CEO's office who called me back to agree that this has been a complete shambles (no offer to recopmpense me for  my troubles though) but I did get the original refund so fair enough


6) O2's poor service, bizzare systems, ineptitude were all made to be my issues!


Moral in this tale? 

Always keep going with C.S keep calling them and never be affraid to complain and of course never change your bank details then pay your bill on time: wink:


All sorted now and all is lovely and cuddley agian in my O2 world.



Message 1 of 13

Level 43: Bright Spark
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@jezza1234 thank you for your post. It amused me no end though I'm sure amused is not a word you'd use to describe your experience. However, I will certainly bear your woeful experience in mind should I have reason to change my bank details. Seems like it'd be easier to change mobile providers tbh. Certainly less of a strain on my heart and blood pressure 😂
Lover of all things Samsung. Currently using Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus 128gb

Message 2 of 13

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Although amusing, sadly it's a tale we've heard before, and with a fair amount of regularity as well. 


Message 3 of 13

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Hey @jezza1234 nice to hear from you slight_smile

Thanks for posting about your experience and sorry to hear it was a frustrating one. 😞 Glad it got sorted for you in the end. We regularly pass on member feedback from this board so will include yours too. thumbsup

Message 4 of 13

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We are to presume the default notice(s) isn't/aren't registered on your credit file? Have you physically checked because we all know when things go ass up then O2 go the whole hog.....don't we?

Message 5 of 13

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Hi @jezza1234 I did stick with your tale as you requested. I couldn't find one thing funny about it. It's a story of gross incompetence from O2 Rolleys

Yes I'm glad your perseverance paid off (we hope) but it should never have happened in the first place.

Keep checking My O2  (and your credit file) is the only advice I can offer.

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 6 of 13

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I have and they aren't there.


But that isn't the point really. Didnt want to get too heavy but to send out 5 defualt notices becuase O2 gave a refund which they then show as a minus on your'e account when it is in fact a credit is wrong on a number of levels.


Firstly to issue when there is no defualt.


Secondly who designed such a rubbish customer account platform that it is impossible to issue a credit refund without it showing as an account minus, whoever it was should be pubilcy outed for endless ridicule and abuse by O2 customers! rofl


Rant over LOL

Message 7 of 13

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I agree Cleoriff, the reason for the post, not funny, the way it was handled by O2 not funny, but I tried to make my post as lightherated as possible as life is too short to get angry for long about stuff.


In my experience all large organisations that operate offshore C.S operations provide less than perfect service. 


Have you ever tried to sort anything out with Amazon when one of their delivery drivers marks your parccel as delivered to your office when in fact it was a scanning mistake and was left on the van and instead of just turning around and delivering, it It had to be re ordered becuse the off shore C.S team are so detached they are unable to do anything excpet apologise!


But hey this is the wrong forum for that debate LOL

Message 8 of 13

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@jezza1234Funny you should mention Amazon. I was on the phone to them yesterday about a so called Prime (next day) delivery which failed to turn up.

In fairness to them, they gave me a month extra Prime subscription and the item came on Sunday. wink

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 9 of 13

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Oh @jezza1234 and @Cleoriff I hear you about Amazon - been there, done that etc... ..

And @Cleoriff I have had so many extra Prime subscriptions that my original date went from end-November to end-September of the following year 😂 They really need to stop using their own delivery service who are useless! But  @jezza1234is right this is the wrong forum for that discussion which could run and run 😉

Lover of all things Samsung. Currently using Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus 128gb

Message 10 of 13