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Going to USA

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I am going to the USA at the end of December. Do I have to notify you so my Phone works over there?

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Level 94: Supreme
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See guides 

Guide: Roaming MegaGuide 

USA - Roaming with O2 

Data speed is also throttled to 2mbps for info.

WhatsApp is favoured if possible for you to use.

I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Level 77: Grand Master
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WhatsApp is more or less mandatory if you are an O2 PAYG customer, as the required "4G Calling" feature mentioned above is not offered by O2 to their PAYG clients, @Janal.

If you are PAYG, you may wish to look at a local telco SIM card for the area you are visiting - these can be purchased from Amazon, for example, here in the UK before you leave, so all you have to do when you land is activate the US SIM card and you avoid all that faff with slow or throttled data - again, WhatsApp then becomes your medium for messaging and calls, but from anywhere, not just where there is a "free" WiFi signal available to you (eg, hotel, restaurant, shopping mall, amusement park, etc).

Also recommended to disable O2 Voicemail before you go, as that can rack up charges if you do not have the O2 Travel Inclusive Bolt-on enabled, or if you use the O2 Travel bolt-on that costs £6 per day for any day that you use it: Guide: All you need to know about O2 Voicemail 901 

Good luck.

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