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Galaxy Note 7

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Has anybody else been contacted by CS regarding the Note7 who has pre-ordered the phone but not received it yet? I just had, what I consider to be, the strangest conversation I've ever had with CS.

She was clearly reading from a script as she stumbled over the words. Basically what she was trying to tell me was that Samsung had stopped sending out the Note7s until they had checked and corrected the problem of them catching fire during or after charging.

That's no where near what she actually said but I translated what she did say to the above.

I'm a bit confused. I was under the impression Samsung had sorted out the problem with the Note7, were sending out replacement phones to those who had received the Note7 and once all replacement phones were dealt with, they would start supplying phones to those of us who pre-ordered the phone but had not received it.

Whilst I appreciate CS contacting me about my pre-order - I know that my order is still in the system - it doesn't help when the info provided is contrary to what has gone before.

Oh and she did ask if I would like another phone or wait for the Note7. I said I would wait as I didn't want any other phone.

It could be CS are trying to push another phone (the iphone 7?!) on to me or they have been told to contact us to keep us in the loop. But I am concerned about the info I received as it is more or less opposite what Samsung said in their last statement. Or have I missed something?

Lover of all things Samsung. Currently using Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus 128gb

Message 1 of 58

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He needs to make that decision.
If it's not what he wants he must contact CS to get it swapped.
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Message 31 of 58

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@Anonymous I can sympathise with your brother. I pre-ordered the cobalt blue one which I've yet to receive. But my credit agreement is for a black one. So, God knows whuch colour I will finally get but to be honest I just want a Galaxy Note7 whatever the colour.

However, if I were your brother I would check with CS to see what they say. It could be that black is all they had and it was felt that this was better than no phone at all.
Lover of all things Samsung. Currently using Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus 128gb

Message 32 of 58

Not applicable
I went through the process of speaking to someone from o2 who didn't even know anything about the note 7, "that didn't surprise me" after putting me on hold, i explained that I received my note 7 before the release date, I also explained that I had no intention of returning the phone back to o2 via post as this would leave me without a phone which would be the cause of being supplied a faulty product, after explaining myself I was put through to customer service's where I repeated the same conversation, I also mentioned that regardless of my purchase being made through the o2 online
shop I had no intention of posting the phone back as o2, the switch over should be made as convenient as possible for the customer as this is not caused by the customer regardless, after a lengthy conversation I was informed by a senior member that all replacement note 7s are being replaced on the doorstep and will be explained by Customer services contacting all customers who are in possession, which makes sense, await and see. The note 7 is well worth waiting for, by far the best phone Samsung have produced so far, I'm well aware that's just my comment but from my experience using it is a joy, hope this helps
Message 33 of 58

Not applicable
Well I guess you are correct from your perspective but from my perspective I've been using mine for just over 2 weeks with no problems...ive learned with the statistics it would be more likely to win on a lottery based on the amount issues world wide. So i always look at what works that way there's no time wasted
Message 34 of 58

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Let us hope you don't burn your house down proving your stats then.
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Message 35 of 58

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@MI5 wrote:
Let us hope you don't burn your house down proving your stats then.

Good point!....

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 36 of 58

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Well, @Anonymous I've just read your comments and @MI5's response. I'm with @MI5, I think you are taking an unnecessary risk just to prove a point. I agree with you the Note7 is Samsung's best phone yet even though I have yet to receive mine. But had I received my pre-order it would now be powered down until a replacement had been received. I am not prepared to risk my home or life for a phone - even the Note7!
Lover of all things Samsung. Currently using Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus 128gb

Message 37 of 58

Not applicable
94 percent of people are not prepared to take the risk for the majority of things in life and that's why only 6 percent become successful in life experience, now that's not pointing the finger but that's proven by both science and theology which are the two known reference points. I feel for Samsung and all there customers who eagerly await. My points over my experience with the note 7 was not to suggest that others follow suit, it's merely my choice and if the potential for injury or risk was so highly suggestive then why have Samsung not powered down remotely all note 7s in use...makes you wonder
Message 38 of 58

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@Anonymous I fully understand that you are not advocating others follow you in continuing to use the Note7 rather than returning the phone to o2. I also accept that o2 are not handling this Note7 problem well to put it mildly. All I and @MI5 were trying to say is you are taking, what could prove to be, a serious risk. Obviously it is up to you whether you continue to use the phone.

If I understand correctly the Community is here to provide advice, information and support to other o2 customers. That is all @MI5 and I were doing. At the end of the day the final decision is yours.

Also, according to press reports, Samsung will be remotely powering down any Note7s not returned by, I believe, the end of September. Now you can't believe everything you read in the press but, if true, you could well be without a phone anyway with possibly no recourse to obtaining a replacement.
Lover of all things Samsung. Currently using Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus 128gb

Message 39 of 58

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As a nurse who has seen the results of fires and explosions caused by faulty batteries and chargers, I would never risk it. That however, would be my advice. The fact that Samsung have issued warning notices and the Civil Aviation authority have also placed restrictions on the Note 7 being used on flights, says it all for me.

Ultimately, as you say.... the choice is your own...

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 40 of 58