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Forum layout change?

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Hi all...

Just wondering if we suddenly have a new layout to Forum design? When I was here this morning all was normal...log off and come back this afternoon to find this new layout?... I am on my laptop NOT mobile.

The box on the right hand side has not been seen before...

(Or is my laptop going through a glitch) Smiley Frustrated


Capture o2 19.JPG


Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 1 of 92

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Oh...if you want a democratically run forum BoB then I think they DO have to ask for our feedback (which they have had...many times on numerous threads!

It would also have been far better (as you mentioned yourself) if we had been given some warning with an explanation...

It was changed with no warning and with a flick of the switch...It surely would be quite easy to flick the switch back!

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 71 of 92

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Are you sitting on the fence @Anonymous and not wishing to upset the establishment. You don't get brownie points and the regulars who hate this change have made their feelings known. I'm not sure how much more constructive we can get. You can't browse the forum, let alone reply properly on phone unless you use the mobile view which comes with it's own limitations. To those with eye sight deficiencies (and if memory serves me right, you have problems yourself) this new design exasperates the problems.

Message 72 of 92

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Hi guys,

I've made a post here with a bit of background info on reasoning. When I ask for feedback, I'm not asking you to repeat yourselves by any means, but others may want to feedback too.
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Message 73 of 92

Not applicable
@jonsie said "Are you sitting on the fence @Anonymous and not wishing to upset the establishment. You don't get brownie points and the regulars who hate this change have made their feelings known. I'm not sure how much more constructive we can get. You can't browse the forum, let alone reply properly on phone unless you use the mobile view which comes with it's own limitations. To those with eye sight deficiencies (and if memory serves me right, you have problems yourself) this new design exasperates the problems."

After all this time you've known me Steve ,and know my laid back approach you honestly think I'm after "brownie points"


I prefer not to upset anyone if I can help it generally ,and try to be constructive and pro active in everything i do, and I've already said in other posts members don't like the layout.

And I put +1 to one of the threads you resurrected about the forum layout.


Message 74 of 92

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So...I will reply here and say we are all in agreement then? The new layout is awful!

Its a bit sad that this change starts us fighting among ourselves. I started the rabble rousing and apologise for that.

We need to stick together if we are to 'force' the powers that be to revert back...

So thats my piece of mediating now...who is next for the chop? LOL


Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 75 of 92

Not applicable
I agree @Cleoriff

I was just astonished at the backlash because of how I conduct myself.
Message 76 of 92

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It just seemed Bob that you were quite happy to say that we didn't like change and at one point yesterday, one of your posts did state 'it's ok on my ipad'.

Yes, you did denounce it later but gave the impression that you were going with the flow of criticism without actually stating what you thought was wrong with the layout.

I apologise for getting this wrong but I'm am so annoyed about the change and feel very strongly about it. Don't take this as a personal slight to yourself, this is winding me up no end!

Message 77 of 92

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Well said @jonsie ...and this is showing how frustrated we all are slight_frown

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 78 of 92

Not applicable
I appreciate all that's being caused with the recent changes jonsie I really do.

I just deal with situations differently I submit.

I respect the frustration being caused.
Message 79 of 92

Not applicable

I just wish to add here ..... & I've mentioned before, & I did not want to be seen as 'hanging off @Cleoriff 's coat-tails as-it-were

I have to be very careful with headaches = had them since a young adult = nowadays I get a very nasty one, only when at the pc at the very base of my head at the back

it was once possibly due to a brain anneurism, so I have to 'watch it ' & when it comes on very quickly - then pdq tidy up what I'm doing on the laptop + take tablets & lie down for a while (sorry no more personal stuff)

so I can't see me being happy with whatever is going to be put in place in the space on the rhs of the screen ..... I'm a trier in life not much of a complainer, but on this occassion ..... thank you 

Message 80 of 92