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Forum layout change?

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Hi all...

Just wondering if we suddenly have a new layout to Forum design? When I was here this morning all was normal...log off and come back this afternoon to find this new layout?... I am on my laptop NOT mobile.

The box on the right hand side has not been seen before...

(Or is my laptop going through a glitch) Smiley Frustrated


Capture o2 19.JPG


Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 1 of 92

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@Anonymous wrote:
The whole thing is screwed up

It sure is Shirty

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Message 61 of 92

Not applicable
Time will tell. slight_smile

I recall when many didn't like the initial changes to begin with.

Let's hope the en masse are being listened to.
Message 62 of 92

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Hi guys,

Thanks for the feedback and keep it coming. The more constructive observations about details too, the better slight_smile
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Message 63 of 92

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At the risk of being called persistent...and annoying...and a nag..and anything else you want to call me

I will ask @Anonymous @Marjo @Toby and @Anonymous  if anyone of them has any news on this? 

We are all desperate to know?

Oh... and if there is anyone else I could @mention in that list...please let me know..Shocked

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 64 of 92

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@Toby wrote:
Hi guys,

Thanks for the feedback and keep it coming. The more constructive observations about details too, the better slight_smile

@Toby  How much more feedback do you want? There is no-one that likes the layout at all. You have had numerous screenshots shown... So I am not sure what else we can do. I have never seen such a vote of NO confidence like this one...

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 65 of 92

Not applicable
Likewise Toby it is not for me to normally comment on these things but i have to agree. The word disaster springs to mind. ...
Message 66 of 92

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@Anonymous wrote:
Time will tell. slight_smile

I recall when many didn't like the initial changes to begin with.

Let's hope the en masse are being listened to.

Oh and BoB...this isn't just a case of 'not liking' the change.

Change is brilliant IF it provides satisfaction to the users and is a cure for something drastic or is innovative . This is none of those. It is an absolute nightmare to use. It makes my head hurt. It makes my eyes run and ache...and  apart from providing O2 with an advertisement feature it serves no other purpose. If they want to run adverts, then do it on the home landing page...across the top ...:where at least I have the choice of ignoring them  Evil

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 67 of 92

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Toby, correct me if I'm wrong but this appears to be something that is been forced onto the community (and you) from someone higher up the food chain?
If so, please ask them to spend a day on here (preferably on their mobile phone) helping out and answering questions - Then give them some aspirin to cure their headache, eye strain and dizziness !! slight_smile
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 68 of 92

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@MI5 wrote:
Toby, correct me if I'm wrong but this appears to be something that is been forced onto the community (and you) from someone higher up the food chain?
If so, please ask them to spend a day on here (preferably on their mobile phone) helping out and answering questions - Then give them some aspirin to cure their headache, eye strain and dizziness !! slight_smile

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ What he says!!

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 69 of 92

Not applicable
They have had nearly every regular member hit the forum with "we don't like this change" type post.

Let's see what we are advised after whatever testing period they are doing.

They are asking for out feedback ~ which is something they don't have to do ~ so I hope they listen to all the opinions and address the layout.
Message 70 of 92