Anyone know anything about Femtocell becoming available to O2?
I just checked the 'future network coverage' map on the O2 web-site for our area, and it shows that we are to get 'Standard' coverage in the future. Fab, I thought, at last I won't have to place my phone in a specific spot in our bedroom to get a single bar of signal. 'Standard coverage' is described as allowing music streaming, MMS, SMS etc.
I then look at the map again to see that our current coverage is described as Standard! WTF? This has to be a joke, if O2 actually thinks that we receive anything like a decent standard they are either living in cloud cuckoo land, or (more likely) massaging their data to make it look like their coverage is better than it really is.
We live close to an international golf resort, and when there is a competition playing, we strangely get a vastly improved signal. As soon as the journalists and TV crews have left, down goes the signal again.
Anyway, Vodafone are offering a Femtocell technology base station, to allow you to have your very own full strength signal, utilising your broadband connection to carry the data.
O2 were supposed to be trialling this technology a year or two ago, but I've not heard anything from them. Anyone know if/when we may get the same sort of setup as Vodafone. It's only because we use iPhones that I'm still with O2. I do a lot of international roaming, and my wife can't get a useable signal at home.
Skype has been a life-saver, but it would be far more convenient to actually get a proper phone signal at our house - you know, like wot O2 say we can already! :womanindifferent: