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Erikson & illegal removal of money from my o2 mobile acc

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o2 recently removed a posting of mine that wished to draw o2 customer's attention to an extremely serious intrusion in to our mobile phone accounts with o2. I have been with o2 for 10 years with no problems at all until today... i find a message in my inbox from another company telling me that £4 has been taken out of my o2 phone account. i was horrified to find that this in fact really had happened... i could not believe that o2 would allow access to my private and secure account with them to another company. i rang o2 customer services on 3 occasions and they said at first there was nothing they could do!!! then i was referred to some company called or something. in my view o2 should never allow anyone access to a customer's private secure account with them... i still am angry and horrified that o2 have done this... they did not even make an immediate offer of paying the £4 back in to my account... money they had no right to allow out of my account.
why should i a customer of 10 years feel like this? i am hurt angry and astonished that o2 could allow this to happen. i am not the only customer concerned... check the internet forums... there are thousands of people affected and you will not be able to hide away from this. i will take further action as will many other people who rightly want their money back. top up with o2 again? you've got to be #### joking...
Message 1 of 17

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Yes, phonepayplus are the official regulator. They have the legal power to fine the company and can withdraw their licence to operate. Something O2 (or any other phone provider) cannot do.
Phonepayplus and Ofcom work together to control companies offering reverse charge services. Its only by notifying them that companies who don't pay by the rules can be caught, fined and barred.
Message 11 of 17

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Yes, phonepayplus are the official regulator. They have the legal power to fine the company and can withdraw their licence to operate. Something O2 (or any other phone provider) cannot do.
Phonepayplus and Ofcom work together to control companies offering reverse charge services. Its only by notifying them that companies who don't pay by the rules can be caught, fined and barred.

Thanks for explaining that as it's not widely known how Phonepayplus regulate these scams.
Message 12 of 17

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Gordon Bennett Guys....! You are all serious heavyweight posters on these forums... compared to my 5 or 6!!!

I've just been to the Phonepayplus site and input the scam mobile phone number in question and the reply is that PPP do not regulate this type of number and their advice is to contact OFCOM who are responsible.

When I input the shortcode number they advise me it is a text message service charged at premium rate and to contact a company in Sweden. Full Swedish address is supplied along with telephone number and an email contact.

PPPs home page has now highlighted this scam and advises all concerned to ring 0800 500 212... which I shall do first thing tomorrow and post back results.

Hope all this helps anyone who has been, might not have or who may yet still be scammed...
Message 13 of 17

Level 94: Supreme
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Just spotted that J as I am receiving spam from 85200 which also says its a premium text service. Received 3 texts but no charges....YET!

Anyway, since you highlighted this with them, the home page for PPP states :

Nice one J !
Message 14 of 17

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It just highlights the importance of doing things the correct way; instead of getting angry at O2, for pointing people towards phonepayplus.
Message 15 of 17

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It just highlights the importance of doing things the correct way; instead of getting angry at O2, for pointing people towards phonepayplus.

Couldn't agree more!
Message 16 of 17

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The correct way is for no money to be taken from our secure accounts in the first place surely?! I note that PPP are no longer highlighting this issue on their home page? I'm still waiting for a reply from o2 detailing all my texts / phone calls over the past few months... you know the sort of thing BT provide you with in detail every quarter... I'm guessing that you guys have not been affected?
Message 17 of 17