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Do you have any major issues that o2 need to sort out poost them here.

Level 66: Unequalled
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Reading this community there are many issues o2 need to address, post them here with links to the original thread and lets hope that after flagging this thread to the community manager Leonard action will be taken.


Open Note To Leonard/Abs.


There have been many threads with issues that needed direct o2 support / Customerservice answers or urgent procedural action. These threads get a response that either you Leonard or abs has taken the issue higher but we see no action.


The regular users (deminshing can only offer help when it is not an o2 issue) need this level of support.

iPhone 11 Pro 256gb on unlimited data
iPad Pro 12.9” 2020 256gb refresh o2 family discount
Apple Watch series 4
My first mobile was in 1995 a CM-R111 from sony on Cellnet.
Wincanton South Somerset (Full 4g 3G 2g indoor coverage) Remember we are all customers here not customer services

Message 1 of 89

Not applicable
Look over on the right by the PM envelope !!....the fault has been registered with Leonard
Message 61 of 89

Not applicable
Ah there it is, the sneaky little bugger.
Message 62 of 89

Not applicable

@Anonymous wrote:

I wonder why the Automatic Expletive Recognition Equipment doesn't **bleep** out that word....I noticed perksie used it a few days ago and got away with it  Smiley Frustrated

Message 63 of 89

Level 66: Unequalled
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yet it took out a small birds name lol

iPhone 11 Pro 256gb on unlimited data
iPad Pro 12.9” 2020 256gb refresh o2 family discount
Apple Watch series 4
My first mobile was in 1995 a CM-R111 from sony on Cellnet.
Wincanton South Somerset (Full 4g 3G 2g indoor coverage) Remember we are all customers here not customer services

Message 64 of 89

Not applicable

And a male appendage male bird !

Message 65 of 89

Not applicable

You mean a cockerel.

Message 66 of 89

Level 69: Guiding Light
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@O2MACH2 wrote:

I wonder why the Automatic Expletive Recognition Equipment doesn't **bleep** out that word....I noticed perksie used it a few days ago and got away with it  Smiley Frustrated

I tested it first! Smiley LOL

To support Disasters Emergency Committee: text Nepal to 70000 to send £5

Sky Unlimited Broadband - Windows 10 - Nexus 4 Android 5.1.1
Message 67 of 89

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Good Evening All.


Leonard, I'm sorry to say but I'm in agreement with the others.


1) I may not post as much as the others but before the transfer from the old the new system I had over 1000 + posts, so its not like I don't use the forum, but I don't post as many as some of the others on here though.


But when I noticed that the Superuser were gone (I was one of them) and we now have this new naming scheme, it sort of doesn't mean much any more, well to me any way.

Yes you get kudos and go up in the rankings, but the old system meant something. If you were a superuser people pm you for advise and help as you were looked up at helpers in o2 issues, no I don't think that's the case any more, some may say that's not true?


I'm passionate about o2 and spend a lot of time and effort in to helping o2 customers as do all the other people, so why was the naming changed? Old saying if its not broke then don't fix it!


2) PAYG and PM are 2 separate parts of o2 business having separate customer services and separate products, so why then on the forum isn't there 2 sections for them. I agree as now its all become a muddle and if people don't say what there on when asking questions, then its hard to know what to answer.


I know that you saying that their isn't a demand and it probably wont demerger it so how about an option for when people are writing in the PAYG, PM section.

For Example. A box that they must choose either PAYG or PM before they can create a new article. This would then save over the confusion, you get to keep what you want and we get to see on how best to answer the question?


3) More help from o2 customer care them selves, I know its mentioned and keeps getting brought up, and it comes down to cost and time and effort. But O2 wins many awards for customer care, so lead on the forum as well and really turn up customer care in the industry. Show customers you mean business and stop putting a price on customer care.


4) Ronan Dunne says on many of his last interviews that the industry needs to change and I don't disagree with some of the things he says. In fact I admire him, but and this may be a big but, does he actually know what goes on in his business, or does he know what his right hand people tell him?

I would love for Ronan to come on the forum, or meet him and some of his people in person and I'm sure some more long term forum posters on hear would all love a day to meet him. Let us tell him what customer and the real people want and good doesn't questions and answers and the problems we face day in day out. I dont live too far from a main O2 base themselves to even meet in my own time.

Does Ronan even know that the forum exist, that would be the first question we could also ask?


5) Why do we keep changing the forum? We keep getting asked questions and I know I've come up with Ideas, but its like o2 have stopped listening to us and think well we don't need them now and we will do things our selves. Customer are paramount for a business to successes. You can have as many adverts, commercials in the world, but the best advert is customers and customer recommendations. Do it would be nice if you listen to customers.


6) Shops, customer call centers, On line chat are completely out of line with each other. In fact they seriously couldn't be more far apart.

Shops: Staff are happy to sell you something, then don't back it up when you have issues and say speak to customer care, oh I cant help you, go to apple and so on. Pay them a wage instead on commissions like carphone warehouse.

And why ask customer feedback when they just purchased a new phone or had a recent upgrade. Most customer are going to be happy at that time. Instead ask them in a few weeks then further in a couple of months. See then when they have had issues.

Have mystery shoppers walking in and really put them to the test.


Online :Chats that are completely different and give different information or just don't listen to what you are asking. (They don't get you're name right even when its spelt to them, they have poor or little knowledge in how to resolve problems and on many occasions they say speak to customer care on Toll free 202!! I've got first hand in this my self.

There is a recent post in this part of the forum saying "Poor customer care". Guess what, it was o2 guru chat.

Where is this chat system really based as I no doubt its in the UK. The person was saying that the guru chat had poor English and on another post they say toll free. Either scrap the whole chat system, or improve it. Bring it in house to o2 as I can tell you I currently wont use the service again and more and more people are complaining about the service on the forums


Customer care: This one is getting the balance correct and I really do think o2 do a good job in this area. I've called many times for help and support and been mostly happy with the level of service. But one area of concern is that when there is a major issue its not just customers you don't tell, o2 staff are not told as well. Many times I've called, o2 staff have had no idea what I was on about even when the web says call customer care for this service.

Example, I was on holiday in Spain and had o2 web daily last to use. My phone ended up with a massive bill for Data and even though it showed on my account no one in o2 customer care could answer what was happening. O2 always said don't worry my monies would be refunded and I never doubted that, but it took a week of me calling and calling and to write and complain to find out what was going on.


7) Last one I promise for tonight. The o2 Web. Its designed well, nicely presented and easily to navigate. Then why oh why are links out of date, inaccurate information, Things are not up to date. (Poor Mangement)

Please get some one to really go though it all and fix what the issues are. This is good housekeeping


Any way Moan over and Im sorry that the post is a Long one, but I hope its useful reading and make some sense and that some people would also agree with me.

Need Help, Just ask. We are one big Family here in the o2 Forum.
Use iPhone XS Max dual sim, SE, Honor 10, IPad Pro 11, Apple Watch 4 LTE, 100+ Mpbs Barrier and a Record Player.

Message 68 of 89

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@darrengf wrote:
....but I hope its useful reading and make some sense and that some people would also agree with me.

This will have taken a while to compose and write and I hope it's worth the effort you've obviously put in darren.


Ronan has contributed to the forum although I doubt he is a regular reader of the problems and suggestions made by forum members. I highly doubt he would deign to meet us mere mortals though!


Perhaps Leonard would point him in this direction?

Message 69 of 89

Level 69: Guiding Light
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Great post from darrengf, a lot of work gone into that! slight_smile


I don't if you saw this thread where O2 asked for questions to the Sales and Service director:

To support Disasters Emergency Committee: text Nepal to 70000 to send £5

Sky Unlimited Broadband - Windows 10 - Nexus 4 Android 5.1.1
Message 70 of 89