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Customer loyalty

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Have any of you experienced any loyalty from o2? E.g when requiring an upgrade or in any other curcumstance have they been considerate to your needs?

I have been with o2 for many years first on pay as go, then contract. Whilst on pay as you go I used to recieve free o2 sims online and would top them up incase need to use in emergency but they went on to block the sims due to non usage even though they've been clearly topped up by a customer and have unused credit on them. Upon querying this I was told to call back with each sim and long number at back to get it unlocked and start using again however due to numerous sims an length of process I never bothered and lost out on my topped up unused credit.
I went on to get a samsung s5 on contract and had an old friend who worked in the branch, they managed to get me an affordable deal on o2 friends scheme, however in october 2015 I had water damage on my phone and it stopped functioning. When contacted o2 they advised phone cannot be repaired and offered a new deal charging more money as said I no longer qualify for o2 friends would need the friend to re-request the deal. At that time had lost contact from this friend and was desperate to have a functioning phone again so went ahead and tookout a new phone on same number, costing more than the s5 deal I was given a A5 handset on a 24 month contract. O2 did not take past loyalty from me into consideration, they could have offered me the same deal as was getting with o2 friends based on my circumstances this would have meant a lot to have had some sort of feeling they going slightly out their way for me. Its not like they could not afford to offer the deal as why would they offer it to emoloyee friends if it was not viable for them?

Anyhow when this new handset A5 contract began I was direct debited twice for the new deal and old one. I had to go out of ny way to chase o2 up to get this sorted with them. After this mixup I kept being called from month one of the new contract by o2 advisers offering me a new upgrade, this became a nuisance as recieved far to regular calls offering new deals when had already taken one out. This resulted in having to add the numbers to auto reject list. Anyway now that the handset has been paid of I am paying £18.99 p/m for 1gb of data and unlimited calls and sms. But o2 have cheaper pay as go deals or sim only deals offering more so why do they not auto offer to existing customers? Why harras existing customers to upgrade from month 1 of new contract but when contract actually due to expire you do not bother offering anything? Have any of you experienced anything similar? How do you leave o2 but keep your existing number?
Message 1 of 13

Level 94: Supreme
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Quite so, but a single person could still have a phone and a tablet, for example.
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Message 11 of 13

Level 86: Prestigious
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Yes, possibly so, but it means that if a single person is looking for any kind of 'loyalty' discount, they have to get a second device, which they may or may not really need, and have to buy it from O2, which would probably be significantly more expensive than buying from Amazon or a similar site.


Message 12 of 13

Level 94: Supreme
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Yes, completely true.
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 13 of 13