Here is my responce from o2.
Thanks for emailing us about Bluebook. I learn from your email that you
and many other customers have been waiting for a Bluebook to come back.
I understand that at one stage the error message was reading will be
back online this week however its now saying next week again. I learn
from your email that you've given the link to O2 forum where many people
aren't happy. I realise that many people rely on this service and it
isn't there. I sincerely apologise for any inconvenience caused to you
and all others due to this. Let me see what best I can do for you.
Mark, I'd like to inform you that the Bluebook is currently under
maintenance and our engineers are working on this and it will be up and
running soon. However, we don't have any timescales for this.
I'd appreciate your continued patience in this matter. Hope everything
gets sorted for you at the earliest. If you should have any further
questions, please contact us or visit our online help centre at: When you email us please provide: your first line of address and full
name, postcode and mobile number as it helps us answer your query