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4G Roaming Spain

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Hi Everyone,

I’m in Benidorm on holiday for a week didn’t think i would get decent 4G speeds here with O2 but I’m surprised slight_smile

I’m connected to Movistar and getting speeds of 20-60mb

Music streaming and live streaming apps work fine to, I’ve not had any slow downs!

If you have any questions feel free to ask away as I’m here till Tuesday slight_smile

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@darrengf wrote:



And thanks @Cleoriff I knew I could rely on you for the top secret bit 😁

Some things are just too good to keep to yourself grimacing


Actually, there probably is a strategy, or a plan of sorts, somewhere - but too many individual NOCs (operators?) have to make it happen & keep their corporate paymasters happy... so it's a bit piecemeal in places right now.


Interesting times ahead! ok_hand



Message 21 of 24

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@darrengf wrote:

Yes it’s a bit strange why there not really announcing it better.  On twitter it self there are a few that has said new 4G roaming countries and not all were mentioned.


It’s so difficult to try and get the correct information at present and it’s possible that there may be more countries that haven’t even broken through yet in the media.

like I said that even I’m still waiting of the verification. But the info is from the public domain. Just it’s all over the place.


it may be that o2 are going to do a big announcement all at once.  I just don’t know.


O2 4G roaming abroad like I’ve said outside EU does allow you to connect to the new network band, but just not at the 4G speeds you may think well it’s pointless in connecting to the 4G network then, however it’s really important to have these 4G agreements more now than ever.


in the USA AT&T switched of there 2G network last year leaving o2 customers only able to roam on 3G. That’s ok, but 4G on in the USA is becoming more widespread and offers much better support for larger volumes.  So o2 only having a 3G agreement in USA may happen the customer in roaming and this could lead to not so good image.


more and more countries will soon to follow


just read this


Vodafone Europe has announced that it will not switch of GSM networks until 2025 at the Earliest. 

Vodafone Australia switched there 2G network or in 2016

All of Japan’s mobile operators abandoned 2G services by April 2012, making it the first country to fully jump to 3G and 4G-only networks.

AT&T has already switched threw off and rivals including Verizon and T-Mobile have unveiled plans to do the same.

Sunrise plans to switch of by the end of 2018

Swisscom and T-Mobile Netherlands have scheduled shut downs by the end of 2020.


So as you can see having 4G agreements now more than ever allows o2 to still of roaming agreements to its customer base.  Offering just 3G isn’t always an option due to poor 3G coverage in areas. Just look at the U.K. at one time. 


Look at when EE create new Masts in areas now, they crest with 2G and 4G only. 


before I’m asked, 2G will be here for a while in the U.K.  it’s the backbone to the U.K. networks and offers very strong and reliable signal for calls and sms.  It’s very resilient and lots of business like smart meters, car readers etc use only 2G. It doesn’t need anything else other than that to send a a few bits of info back.  


So for 2G it’s not going any where fast at moment. 



And thanks @Cleoriff I knew I could rely on you for the top secret bit 😁

I only posted it in red @darrengf  joy

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
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@pgn wrote:

...too many individual NOCs (operators?) have to make ...




Actually, I meant MNOs (mobile network operators) up there, not NOCs D'oh!


Far too many TLAs these days. (Three-Letter Acronyms):smilie_frech_120:

Message 24 of 24